New Bees

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New Bee
Sep 25, 2016
Reaction score
South Yorkshire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
I picked up my bees this weekend, 11 frames national brood a few empty queen cups, the weather in Yorkshire has turned cold ( 10 to 13 deg ) and is going to stay like it for a week or so. Question 1.. all my hives are 14x12 and the new bees are on normal brood frames .. How do I get the bees onto the 14x12 fames?.. Question 2.. will the bees swarm in this cold weather.....cheers
1. Put the standard frames in your 14*12. Every week insert a 14*12 frame at one end and remove a std frame from the other end. Hopefully the one you remove won't have too much brood on it. Keep the drawn frame somewhere safe as you'll be able to use it to make up a nuc or do a split at some point in the future.
2. If the bees are making cups they're thinking about swarming. If it's too cold they'll wait, and hopefully the extra room in the 14*12 will help discourage them, but once it warms up they could go - you'll need to do weekly inspections and take action if you see any charged queen cups.
Yes work the frames out every time you do an inspection.
I disagree about the play cups being an intention to swarm. Bees make them all the time but I agree with doing something about them if they become queen cells ;)
If you HAVE to look in 12 degrees will do for a quick inspection.... but do you?
How many frames are full of brood and how much room has the queen to lay will decide if you can get away waiting till the weather warms up.
They should be OK for a while especially as they have room to draw comb from the bottom bars of the short frames too.

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