Ne'then !

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I remember that, weren't the maidens always so pretty too !

Yep ... I know a lot is rose tinted views of the past (Although I do remember a summer holiday in the 1950's, in August, at Bridlington when the rain fell for a whole week and the water on the caravan site was lapping at the wheels !) but there were some things (Dad's beekeeping for one) that were a definite improvement on what we have to contend with now. I do feel that the random (and occasionally flawed) application of some technological advances has been detrimental.

I am by no means a Luddite but perhaps we should be learning from the past mistakes made and be a little more cautious and certainly more thorough about testing before enleashing the latest 'silver bullet' onto the market. I am old enough to remember Thalidomide .....
well having talked with my local Friends of the Earth recently they are all of the opinion thats we are like the American Beekeepers in "more than Honey", even I cringed at their uncapping methods in the film

The Beekeepers Lament should be read either before or after watching More Than Honey for a better understanding of what is going on. Your local FoE need to read the book.

Should we stop treating our bees and watch them die. Is this what NBT want? Is that cruel? Even HH has used sugar syrup. Perhaps there is a power struggle going on! As a balance the Daily Mail should interview a conventional beekeeper for their views. Any takers?:D

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