Andy Fotheringham
New Bee
Last year I was fortunate to be given a strong colony in a national brood. All the kit I had built was commercial so we put a commercial brood on top with foundation. By the end of last season we had got 8 frames of capped honey/syrup and a couple of drawn frames, all ready for this season. Now want to get the brood up into the commercial box. Did an inspection recently of the top commercial brood in the hope that the queen had started to move up there. No brood found just the capped stores. Did not venture into the bottom brood. I was hoping to encourage them to move up so that I can put an excluder on and eventually lift out the national from below. Is the reason that the queen has not moved because the commercial brood is full of capped stores? Should I remove some of the capped frames from the middle and replace with drawn comb plus some foundation? Should I also give them some syrup to assist in drawing out any new foundation. I am thinking that getting them to move up would be the simplest solution to free up the national brood. For those of you that are thinking why did he do it this way, I had the promise of a commercial nuc that fell through and then a kind offer of the national colony which I couldn't refuse. I do have lots of spare kit ready for any manipulation required. All comments and suggestions appreciated.