I have found that with the slightest bit of honey in the feed, the bees get very excited and I can never be sure if they're being robbed.
When I put half-emptied, hard to extract or extracted frames above them with restricted access from below, they sometimes start to refill or redistribute the honey in the frames, apparently using them as short to mid-term storage.
I haven't tried nadiring as I'm concerned about the potential for attracting "robbers" who might otherwise have left the hive alone. I have very few of these surplus frames, so I'm just storing them safely for next year.
A cold and neglected, empty, nadired box of frames may go mouldy over Winter, but if it's left there, but won't the bees naturally work down into it in the Spring, thus giving a bit of leeway on space at that point when they are expanding and when they may need an additional box? I know that would be a disaster for those who find the management of mismatched brood-boxes not to their liking, but it makes sense to me.