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I can't see why beekeepers can escape having to register their "flock" like everyone else keeping livestock does.

Being issued with a unique ID to brand on all hives wouldn't be too much trouble and would help prevent thefts.

Perhaps NZ doesn't import honey? What about those close to honey processing plants where it has, at last, been noted that most of the AFB outbreaks are down to imported honey left laying around at those locations. The UK is, IMO, far better served with the present system, as long as it is not abused.

Regards, RAB
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Being issued with a unique ID to brand on all hives wouldn't be too much trouble and would help prevent thefts.

I don't believe it would do diddly squat to help prevent thefts,its the bee's that would need branding....its them that thieves are after..not the hives...hives most likely end up in a bonfire.
Big Vespas...(250cc Lambrettas?)

"And how do you rekon they could enforce this.....with all the job losses and cutbacks....and not having a clue how many hives or beekeepers there actually are."
Detain beekeepers for a month under the prevention of terrorism, interrogate at 20,000 foot in american planes and verify extracted information using satellite images or drone planes ?

You forgot water boarding, Bush's preferred treatment. Cheap and effective the CIA reckon! Tell me again HOW MANY HIVES AND WHERE? Two in Somerset gurgle gurgle.

A feeling unwell
Nbu = cia?

"You forgot water boarding, Bush's preferred treatment. Cheap and effective the CIA reckon! Tell me again HOW MANY HIVES AND WHERE? Two in Somerset gurgle gurgle."

and there was me thinking that "extraordinary rendition" was a method used for extracting stubborn OSR honey from frames. still i'm only a newbie but i'm sure it is buried somewhere on the dave cushman site!!!