My first swarm!

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New Bee
Apr 8, 2013
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I am so chuffed as well as surprised; I got a call from our association's swarm officer and went with him to collect a swarm just a couple of miles away. As a bonus it was hanging from some clematis on a trellis only five feet off the ground.

He was surprised to see a swarm this early but I hope everything is OK as these are also my first bees.

Nice one. better get checking hives guys.
Well done Grumpy Bunny and welcome to the wonderful world of beekeeping. Swarm collecting. Fun isn’t it?

I wish you all the best with you bees and good luck.
You are lucky, it will have a fecundant queen, and the loser will quite likely need to replace the new queen with a bought-in replacement, unles the weather improves markedly.

Perhaps it was from Beano's, she was talking about scout bees some weeks ago.

There will be some from colonies with congested brood boxes; of that we can be sure, but I am as surprised as your local swarm officer, but there always has to be a first. Congratulations on getting it. It will likely need feeding after three days unless the weather improves.

You are lucky, it will have a fecundant queen, and the loser will quite likely need to replace the new queen with a bought-in replacement, unles the weather improves markedly.

Perhaps it was from Beano's, she was talking about scout bees some weeks ago.

There will be some from colonies with congested brood boxes; of that we can be sure, but I am as surprised as your local swarm officer, but there always has to be a first. Congratulations on getting it. It will likely need feeding after three days unless the weather improves.


...have they moved Wiltshire over to the right a bit??
Could be one of mine, I noticed this afternoon that one of mine had swarmed.

Dont know why as that colony had plenty of room and the queen had only started laying two weeks ago. Do you live near Cricklade?
...have they moved Wiltshire over to the right a bit??


Thanks for all the good wishes, I really appreciate it.

They were a bit of a pain to hive as they walked up and past the entrance and congregated around the top. In the end I shook them into my other hive which seemed to work.

I'm near Trowbridge ROACHMAN so yours must be somewhere else :(
Perhaps it was from Beano's, she was talking about scout bees some weeks ago.


Woe to you o earth and sea
For the devil sends the beast with wrath
Because he knows that time is short
Let him who hath understanding recon the number of the beast
For it is a human number
It's number is six hundred and sixty six
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Woe to you o earth and sea
For the devil sends the beast with wrath
Because he knows that time is short
Let him who hath understanding recon the number of the beast
For it is a human number
It's number is six hundred and sixty six

Is that nine hundred and ninety nine South of the Equator?

Prefer fourty two meself!