Move super tomorrow from below to above BB

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Waiting for April meant simply waiting for better weather and stronger bees, didn't think I had to spell it out, obviously not calendar driven...and a super box is a super box in most peoples language... I think.
Waiting for April meant simply waiting for better weather and stronger bees

and enjoying one's holidays.
Wont be looking in till start of April
That's when the fun begins.
Equalizing colonies, adding brood from overwintered nucs and prepared to remove and extract stores to add drawn brood comb and add supers if necessary.
And not forgetting dealing with drone layers and dwindlers.
and a super box is a super box in most peoples language... I think.

I don't - and I speak the English language.

So what do you call a 'super box'when it happens to be the 'half'of a 'brood and a half'? I call it a brood box, not a super.

Super means 'over', not 'under'.

You can argue that you are following all those others who are incorrectly using the term 'super box' when it is simply a shallow box. Some use deep boxes as supers and some use on-size-boxes wherebbrood boxes and honey boxes are all one size.

Do at least try to get your beekeeping terms right. Bastardising the English language takes place by lazy, or uneducated users and can quickly spread to those that know no better.

You now know better, so I will watch what your reaction is - whether you speak in proper English, or are another who simply carries on bastardising our language. I suspect you will be in the latter group, demonstrating how poor some use our language, but I can live in hope - for a while at least.

Rather tha same as saying you will wait until April and then claiming that is not what you meant. Either an excuse for your inept response or a case of you not beingvable to say what you mean and mean what you say. I suspect the latter, in which case nobody can really trust what you post - as you are likely to twist the literal meaning to suit your fancy at anyparticular time.

Perhaps english is not your first language. But that makes your attitude to the use of same even more regtretful.
and a super box is a super box in most peoples language... I think.

I don't - and I speak the English language.


Since super is a Latin prefix , incorrectly used in English/beekeeping since it would never exist in Latin without its suffix( i believe). I assume oliver90 refers to them as "subs" for uniformity of erroneous use of language.
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and a super box is a super box in most peoples language... I think.

I don't - and I speak the English language.

So what do you call a 'super box'when it happens to be the 'half'of a 'brood and a half'? I call it a brood box, not a super.

Super means 'over', not 'under'.

You can argue that you are following all those others who are incorrectly using the term 'super box' when it is simply a shallow box. Some use deep boxes as supers and some use on-size-boxes wherebbrood boxes and honey boxes are all one size.

Do at least try to get your beekeeping terms right. Bastardising the English language takes place by lazy, or uneducated users and can quickly spread to those that know no better.

You now know better, so I will watch what your reaction is - whether you speak in proper English, or are another who simply carries on bastardising our language. I suspect you will be in the latter group, demonstrating how poor some use our language, but I can live in hope - for a while at least.

Rather tha same as saying you will wait until April and then claiming that is not what you meant. Either an excuse for your inept response or a case of you not beingvable to say what you mean and mean what you say. I suspect the latter, in which case nobody can really trust what you post - as you are likely to twist the literal meaning to suit your fancy at anyparticular time.

Perhaps english is not your first language. But that makes your attitude to the use of same even more regtretful.
Thank you for your encouraging and such kind words and thoughtful feedback to a new beekeeper!!
That's how it is with O90O. As with all other posters, you have to sort the wheat from the chaff. O90O's wheat is usually well worth winnowing out!
I hate the nadir argument. It is the type of argument that belongs in a 'handbook' to allow 'members' (in more than one sense of the word) to belittle or confuse beginners or those less experienced.

I still call a super, a super even when underneath
I call an orange an orange even when unripe
I call a motorway a motorway when closed.
An overcoat is an overcoat regardless of being worn.

The same argument would imply supers kept in a shed over winter they would not be called a supers at all.
Also supers could not be called supers when sold in a shop due to their state.

I may use a super as a broodbox when running brood and a half.
I may use a super as an eke in an emergency, or a place to put insulation. The super has not changed its name, just its temporary purpose.

Just because a super is temporarily changed in state does not mean to say I have to change its name. If it lived under the broodbox perminently, that may be a different case.

If a super is a state and not an object, if I was asked if someone could borrow a dozen supers, I would have to say 'no' as technically they are all in use, despite having a shed full.

My honey is also not raw or pure.

Of course I might be wrong as they wait for their 'green' to turn the right colour to squeeze it into juice.

Rant off :)
Alternatively supered shallow box works, as does nadired shallow box.
Now I hate Nadir - opposite of nadir is zenith - and no one zeniths their shallows do they?

Opposite of Super?
Sub as in Supersonic/subsonic.
Infer as in superior/inferior
Infra as in Superstructure/infrastructure
Rotten as in Super/rubbish

Take your pick - but not nadir.
Not all vacuum cleaners are Hoovers, not all ballpoint pens are Biros. We all know that a shallow box might not necessarily be used as a super, but for convenience the beekeeper's language has evolved, so that we can call it such even though we place it below.
Now I hate Nadir - opposite of nadir is zenith - and no one zeniths their shallows do they?

Opposite of Super?
Sub as in Supersonic/subsonic.
Infer as in superior/inferior
Infra as in Superstructure/infrastructure
Rotten as in Super/rubbish

Take your pick - but not nadir.

Actually infer means between or amongst.
A new name for queen excluders maybe ?
Which makes English pretty insane as surely it should have been inferstructure not infrastructure?
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Actually infer means between or amongst.
A new name for queen excluders maybe ?
Which makes English pretty insane as surely it should have been inferstructure not infrastructure?

Infra_ in that sense is within something. Inter_ is between.

Infraspecies rivalry is within a species
Interspecies rivalry would be between different species.

Infrastructure is therefore odd because I have never heard interstructure used as its inverse.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I hate the nadir argument. It is the type of argument that belongs in a 'handbook' to allow 'members' (in more than one sense of the word) to belittle or confuse beginners or those less experienced.

I still call a super, a super even when underneath
I call an orange an orange even when unripe
I call a motorway a motorway when closed.
An overcoat is an overcoat regardless of being worn.

The same argument would imply supers kept in a shed over winter they would not be called a supers at all.
Also supers could not be called supers when sold in a shop due to their state.

I may use a super as a broodbox when running brood and a half.
I may use a super as an eke in an emergency, or a place to put insulation. The super has not changed its name, just its temporary purpose.

Just because a super is temporarily changed in state does not mean to say I have to change its name. If it lived under the broodbox perminently, that may be a different case.

If a super is a state and not an object, if I was asked if someone could borrow a dozen supers, I would have to say 'no' as technically they are all in use, despite having a shed full.

My honey is also not raw or pure.

Of course I might be wrong as they wait for their 'green' to turn the right colour to squeeze it into juice.

Rant off :)

Couldn't have put it better.

Dictionary classes super used in beekeeping context as a noun, so it remains a super regardless of position.

If I have a pile of empty supers in my shed and the top one is a super, and the bottom one is a nadir, what shall I call the ones in between? Especially the one right in the middle?
Actually infer means between or amongst.
A new name for queen excluders maybe ?
Which makes English pretty insane as surely it should have been inferstructure not infrastructure?

I think that infra means "structures and systems not to be seen".
and a super box is a super box in most peoples language... I think.

I don't - and I speak the English language.

So what do you call a 'super box'when it happens to be the 'half'of a 'brood and a half'? I call it a brood box, not a super.

Super means 'over', not 'under'.

You can argue that you are following all those others who are incorrectly using the term 'super box' when it is simply a shallow box. Some use deep boxes as supers and some use on-size-boxes wherebbrood boxes and honey boxes are all one size.

Do at least try to get your beekeeping terms right. Bastardising the English language takes place by lazy, or uneducated users and can quickly spread to those that know no better.

You now know better, so I will watch what your reaction is - whether you speak in proper English, or are another who simply carries on bastardising our language. I suspect you will be in the latter group, demonstrating how poor some use our language, but I can live in hope - for a while at least.

Rather tha same as saying you will wait until April and then claiming that is not what you meant. Either an excuse for your inept response or a case of you not beingvable to say what you mean and mean what you say. I suspect the latter, in which case nobody can really trust what you post - as you are likely to twist the literal meaning to suit your fancy at anyparticular time.

Perhaps english is not your first language. But that makes your attitude to the use of same even more regtretful.

:judge: Pompous nonsense.

P-O-L-Y-S-E-M-Y is the word you need.

Honestly, how is it possible to bastardise a language that is itself a ------- of French, Greek (see 'polysemy' above) and since we're on the subject of Quod Erat Demonstrandum... Latin ?

:icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2:
and a super box is a super box in most peoples language... I think.

You now know better, so I will watch what your reaction is - whether you speak in proper English, or are another who simply carries on bastardising our language. I suspect you will be in the latter group, demonstrating how poor some use our language, but I can live in hope - for a while at least.

How very rude and inappropriate if you wish to speak like a snob please carry on with your friends as I believe anyone who can type the above only has those special friends

"A snob is a pejorative term for a person who believes there is a correlation between social status and human worth. Snob also refers to a person who feels superiority over those from lower social classes, education levels, or other social areas."
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I always try and converse online as if I were face to face with someone. If I conversed in the manner shown, my nose would be very flat.
Infra_ in that sense is within something. Inter_ is between.
Infraspecies rivalry is within a species
Interspecies rivalry would be between different species.
Infrastructure is therefore odd because I have never heard interstructure used as its inverse.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I fear you are incorrect.
'Infra' = 'below' ...........infra |ˈɪnfrə| adverb (in a written document) below; further on: see note, infra. (Safari Dictionary) e.g. infrastructure.
'Intra' = 'within' e.g. intravenous; intracellular.
'Inter' = 'between' e.g. Inter-species rivalry = between species
I'm so glad I have long hives....they just have 'frames'.
Of course, despite the joshing, it is important that we call the different parts of the hives by the correct names..especially as we are not talking face to there are fewer misunderstandings. When a box is moved above or below the colony ..the action is called supering or nadiring. However, the 'box' can be a shallow...or whatever else you decide to use. The 'box' could be a box used for brood or stores. Confusion reigns when you try to explain a problem to another beekeeper if the right terms are not used...because then it is impossible to understand what you have put where!
It took me ages to sort this out in my head as everyone seemed to say and mean different things! So I hope I've got it right this
I'd just like to sublimate the nadir of depression I'm in into being shallowly super without having to go through a lot of deep brooding first...

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