Most expensive honey in Britain?

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There is a big difference Roland. The grape thing is not sponsorship it's a syndicate....... But "Young William's" scheme gives people a worse deal than the open market - unless they take him up on his visit offer, in which case he'll discover he's selling it too cheap.


So, where's the probem if he's selling too cheaply?

No problem with that. Problem is with use of the word "sponsor" and suggestion of "giving something back to the environment", painting it as something differrent from the reality. And if people don't visit it's a poor deal.
As someone mentioned previously, what's being sold is effectively a present -I doubt whether anyone would buy into this scheme for themselves but if they did it would be their own choice and as such I see no problem; free will rules.

English honey is listed on our favourite internet auction site at around about £5 p/340g +the best part of £3 postage. I found one listing for 454g which with postage comes in at very close to £10. Now, I didn't spend much time looking, these were the first couple of (obviously) English honeys which I came across. It seems to be the postage which is the killer.

Best Wishes,
Thank you to all of those who have spoken up for us. I try to offer a totally open and transparent service to all, we are like the “Ronseal” advert we do exactly what we say on the tin. If you have any questions please ask us at the farm we are here to help not muddy the waters with confusion.

Firstly I would like to point out the “SAGA BBKA adopt a hive” this is the most expensive honey for a project like this. Not that I am slating there efforts in the slightest fare from it. The idea is to improve peoples understanding and encourage beekeeping. Our sponsored hives are unique to the sponsor as we have plenty to go round. The money goes to the up keep of the hive and very soon when the website if finished the sponsor will be able to log in and view full inspection history and images of their hive, a service that no other site offers. The honey offered will be form the hives in the same apiary site as the sponsored hive and will be 4, 12oz hexagonal Weald Place branded jars.

As for the questions regarding the carbon enrichment of our hives it improves the thermal quality of the foam meaning that the bees stay warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

For those of you that do not like my pricing I am simply following price trends of my competitors they will rise and fall with supply and demand as in any market place. I am a businessman and do not apologize for it.

Many thanks for your time.
able to log in and view full inspection history and images of their hive,

will these hives be individually numbered or have the name of the sponsor on it?

How many sponsors per hive?
Each hive will have a barcode for our identification as I or my staff go to a hive it will be scanned and all records kept electronically they will be updated when the unit is next in a wifi area.

This is a system that we will be using on all of our nucs as well (hopefully for 2011 season) we hope people will keep the records up to date online when they get their bees home on their own user portal. It allows us to keep track of ware our bees end up something that I am quite keen to do as it reflects our reputation, something I care a lot about. (This will be a dot on a map not a name) Obviously some people may think this is a little “big brother” they do not have to join in but I hope it will encourage new beekeepers to keep good records. They will be able to add new hives as they expand this will allow us to produce good general stats from different parts of the UK. Not focusing on any one user obviously! but users will be able to compare yields and losses against local and national averages as stats build up.

There will be just one sponsor to a hive. If they want they could sponsor more hives but do not envisage this happening every often but very hive they sponsor would be viewable from their user portal.
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How many amongst you sponsored or even bought a bit of Amazon rain forest?

Have you visited it ever and did it prevent 1000,000,000 of hectares being "developed" for logging and beef raising?

How many amongst you have paid up front to have a tree planted to offset your air travel... possibly to visit your plot of land in the Amazon rain forest?

I have heard of one local BBKA branch membership rocketing from 19 members to 90 in the last few years, such is the interest in beekeeping... and there is not enough bees to go round.... sponsoring a hive may be the way forward... and he is not alone with this concept!

This guy will be quids in when the EU start handing out subsidies for each bee hive owned.

........................ not such a silly bee silly then?:hurray:

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