Module 6

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i'm probably doing it AGAIN as i expected i wont pass the November exam..results awaited
Any idea WHEN the results are due? I want to know whether to study for re-sits!
Couldn't cope with not knowing any longer so I've rung Val Francis and she said the results should be out mid next week, so here's hoping I've passed!!
Couldn't cope with not knowing any longer so I've rung Val Francis and she said the results should be out mid next week, so here's hoping I've passed!!

oh dear....and i thought i would have a restful quiet few days i will be a bag of nerves
It's a whoopee doo for Module 3 for me! Results through in post just opened. I will be doing Module 6 in the Spring. Still have my fingers crossed hoping others have passed too. What's the news?
yes post arrived at 1:00 and passed both module 3 and Module 6


So it Eva Crane ,The archeology of Beekeeping for bedtime reading now
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Pass on mod 6 for me :) 3 down, 4 to go, Module 2 in march now.
Mods 3 and 6 sorted. Mod 2 next, so I better start and do some reading :ohthedrama:
Couldn't cope with not knowing any longer so I've rung Val Francis and she said the results should be out mid next week, so here's hoping I've passed!!

How did you do Laura? What one you planning for march?
Well done MM :). Intermed Cert finished here, Mod 6 in March...if I ever get the time.

tell me about it, no time to do anything even though i retired last year and this week I have received three phone calls asking me if i want three differnt jobs.. one almost double my old salary. my old company offered me three days a week at the same salary i got for 5 days, they suddenly realized that i was too cheep and they can't replace me

TOUGH , i have said no....bees are now my job and i enjoy it, i dont know whether i will get to NDB level but i will have a good try becasue it is nice to stretch the mind at 65 with something that is a hobby rather than work