Queen Bee
In the exam paper March 2011 the exam board call it Paenibacillus larvae larvae, but NBU now refer to it as plain Paenibacillus larvae..... hmmm.
Margaret Thomas the moderator of the Modules went through the march 2011 papers at the national Honey show work shop last saturday, i dont recollect that she said PLL was wrong, i am therefore going with PLL until i see a published re classication paper published after 2009 ( ie the date the NBU set up the phd at Uni of York to look at PLP and PLL classifications, i will also email york uni)
Both Paenibacilluss larva larva and Paenibacillus larva pulvifaciens HAVE been shown to cause AFB but only PLP to casue powdery scale disease ( dont worry, PSD is not in the syllabus and only occurs in parts of Europe and i ask margerat on Saturday and she siad dont worry about PLP it in not in the UK....but I did not ask about the reclassiifacation issue)
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