Merry Christmas Mr Trump

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Have they or have I lost the plot ? I can't see and connection between a dog on a trampoline and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.
It doesn't matter. He might enjoy de~stressing on the trampoline

Redwood kids don't know about Christmas these days
Have they or have I lost the plot ? I can't see and connection between a dog on a trampoline and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

That's not what Christmas is about, it's about wasting your hard earned on tons of unappetising food you wouldn't even dream of eating the rest of the year, drinking yourself into oblivion, spending a second mortgage on unwanted unappreciated toys for your ungrateful little brats and being an all round public nuisance throwing up and urinating in the streets and scaring all and sundry with yet another fireworks display.
(oooooh I do like the annual councillor's black tie do :D)
Merry Christmas indeed. I woke up Wednesday morning feeling like I got punched in the gut. How any woman, or any man with a mother or a wife or a daughter could vote for him is beyond reality.

And, the big issue isn't who is President. He's just a figurehead. Just like George the Second. Advisors will run the show. The issue is the Supreme Court. With the Republicans controlling the entire government, and soon the Court when they get the next two appointments, I fear many social programs, health care for middle class folks, women's rights over their bodies, and many others will be lost.

Time will tell.
Merry Christmas indeed. I woke up Wednesday morning feeling like I got punched in the gut. How any woman, or any man with a mother or a wife or a daughter could vote for him is beyond reality.

And, the big issue isn't who is President. He's just a figurehead. Just like George the Second. Advisors will run the show. The issue is the Supreme Court. With the Republicans controlling the entire government, and soon the Court when they get the next two appointments, I fear many social programs, health care for middle class folks, women's rights over their bodies, and many others will be lost.

Time will tell.

The Royals are only there at the behest and grace of our Parliament... pretty much since Charlie boy 11 took the throne!

We seem to have an unelected bunch leading the country at present.
At least USA gets to vote.. even if a majority of your peoples fear they are misrepresented!

Personally I fear for the Planet!!

Nos da
I would like to be president of the USA and Russia, plus be Pope as well, all at the same time.

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