Managing with out being able to work the bees?

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
Time has been called on my left knee and the operation will be sometime this year, yet to be determined but ASAP as I am taking the wife to India next January.

If anyone has managed their bees successfully with out being able to touch the hives for a month+ I am up for ideas. I have a bit of a plan but many minds are aye better than one.

If anyone has managed their bees successfully with out being able to touch the hives for a month+ I am up for ideas. I have a bit of a plan but many minds are aye better than one.
What time of year?
There was a chap (here...maybe? ) Who put four supers on in early spring and didn't open his bees till the top super was full of them. He swore he never lost any swarms. Forgotten his name.... @jenkinsbrynmair will know
I'll be around but not actually able to do any lifting for I believe 6 weeks. Deep joy.

Only really read about it on here Eric, a few folk I know use a thin cb with a hole in the middle which gets removed.
at least one bee farmer I know uses that trick - he gave a talk about methods of avoiding weekly inspections when busy at the spring convention years ago
Wouldn't it be just as effective to put the unused boxes under the existing nest? The best is further away from a draughty entrance, heat rises, and they can expand downwards naturally.
If it is going into swarming season you could nuc the Queens 8 days prior, then cull the queen cells down to one a week later.
In the nucs give them mostly foundation/foundationless with a super.
at least one bee farmer I know uses that trick - he gave a talk about methods of avoiding weekly inspections when busy at the spring convention years ago
That’s the idea it’s possible to inspect every 9/10 days.
Who was the bf mate?
With 30 odd colonies one is having to deploy a lot of kit and hope.