Seems it's not just 'the local rag' - here's an example where thieves (and potential thieves, in these times of 'austerity') are given nearly all the info they need via the national media:
"Ms Spence estimates a colony of bees could sell for more than £200."
So - knock off 5 of those in a night - nice little earner - more than from mugging or lifting copper cable from the side of railway lines ...
"They lifted the six frames out of the hive complete with the colony on it, put them in the box, shut the box up, Bob's your uncle, away they go, and probably as quickly as that."
"So Big 'Arry - we don't need to nick the whole hive then ? Just half a dozen of those 'frames' things - which fit into a smaller box which are easy to carry - that's handy - so we need one or two of those - but it'll be a quick 'in and out', so you can leave the engine running ... "
"To steal a colony of bees, you need to know what you're doing. A person walking the street would not know how to come in and effectively remove a colony of bees."
"Right, 'Fingers' Malone - you'll need to go on a course, or ask around to get all the dope. Maybe join one of those Bee Forums they have on the Internet ? "
"The bees that were taken were a fairly angry lot - they even managed to put me in accident and emergency last year through stinging me, so maybe there might be some poetic justice."
"Ok, 'Fingers', sounds like I'd better get you a beesuit, veil and some gloves too - I can pinch those from somewhere while you're on that course ... "
It's like a bl##dy advert for prospective bee thieves - that there is a pressing demand for bees due to adverse weather conditions and insecticides - how much the bees will fetch - how quick it is to pinch 'em - what 'special equipment' you need - and what risks you need to be wary of.
And they wonder why crime is on the increase ? Perhaps it could be that the majority of thieves can