Have a look when you pass elder trees in flower - no bees ever in my experience, honey or bumbles. When I pick them for cordial I might have to shake off a few spiders and greenfly but never bees.
In Plants and Beekeeping by F N Howes it is described thus:
"The strongly scented flowers of the elder, which most people find
unpleasant, are not normally visited by the honey bee and have
been described as nectarless (u). The fact that they appear in
June when there is usually an abundance of other pollen sources
may be the reason why they do not even attract the honey bee for
pollen. As the plant is so common everywhere, even to the extent
of becoming a nuisance arid a pest in some districts, and flowers so
freely, it is a great pity for the beekeeper that it is not a good honey
Had a look at the nearest lime tree last night and the buds were still very tight shut, I would guess at least a week until they open here.