"Jelly " like Honey texture- whats caused it ?

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House Bee
May 19, 2019
Reaction score
Sussex England
Hive Type
opened a jar of last years honey and its more like a Jam .,with a surface tension and gel like structure.

tasted great,but wondering whats caused it ? was stored in the dark in a cool room.
Possibly heather also takes a while to crystallise normally with single large crystals and a decent flavour. Was it a pain to extract! Any heather near you?
no heather nearby , and it wasnt like that at extraction ( last July) . couple of other bottles crystallised, but this one bottle is more like a "jam" texture.
Are you sure you have none close even a couple of miles distance. The jelly description is classic heather! and there are some areas in Sussex.
I had some late summer honey like jelly last year, I suspect they found a decent amount of Heather pollen. First time the honey has had a jelly like consistency in 15 years of bee keeping
opened a jar of last years honey and its more like a Jam .,with a surface tension and gel like structure.

tasted great,but wondering whats caused it ? was stored in the dark in a cool room.
Heather honey possibly I’ve known the girls to travel 3-4 mile
Yes, I’ve had heather from 2-3 miles. First I knew about it was unbalanced extractor!
Mind you I’ve also had them ignore heather within a mile. Strange eh?