It's going to get colder

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Jul 23, 2009
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The sun is shining, crocuses and snow drops are out and our resident pair of Red Kites are courting....... dancing, wheeling and embracing in the blue sky.

Roll on Spring
Sounds lovely eric I stood and watched two swans doing that mirror type dance where one copies the other a sort of reaffirming their bond, not quite in perfect harmony so perhaps a bit more warming up before nest building. Also the coots are becoming territorial and the ducks are getting frisky. Its all a bit early but lets hope it continues despite a dip in temperatures and before long it will be lots of wonderful beekeeping.
Sounds lovely eric I stood and watched two swans doing that mirror type dance where one copies the other a sort of reaffirming their bond, not quite in perfect harmony so perhaps a bit more warming up before nest building. Also the coots are becoming territorial and the ducks are getting frisky. Its all a bit early but lets hope it continues despite a dip in temperatures and before long it will be lots of wonderful beekeeping.

She'll love you!
:D :D :D


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We only have winter heather, snowdrops and winter aconites in flower; but its too cold for the bees to visit them today. Fondant given to some of the lighter hives, which should last for 2-3 weeks, then check again. Hopefully the crocus' should be out by then, at the moment the tips are just above the grass line.
Looking out of my window, the bees are as active as if its the middle of summer.
Sun is out and its about 9°
I can see them better because there are no leaves on the trees. Interesting watching them just flying around the garden aimlessly. Looks like orientation flights but I doubt it.
Sunny and 8º
Mine were out and about today, even a few from the disaster hive.
Neighbour has thousands of snowdrops out in his woodland but alas they are in the shade just now.

Apiary has lots of crocuses planted last autumn and they are just beginning to show

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