it's all gone yellow

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When to remove supers as thay are filling up fast ?

I have looked at the bees today and have seen lots of honey :D: in 1st and
2nd supers, I was wondering when would this need to be extracted as the oil seed rape can set in the combe but as of yet not alot has been capped. cheers Brian
I have looked at the bees today and have seen lots of honey :D: in 1st and
2nd supers, I was wondering when would this need to be extracted as the oil seed rape can set in the combe but as of yet not alot has been capped. cheers Brian

Hi Brian. As you say, it will set if you leave it too long. Personally I'd extract as soon as the crop goes over, don't wait for it all to be capped.

If you have some uncapped you are not sure of give it a shake. If droplets come out of it it may have too high a water content, which will cause the honey to ferment later on in life. The water content this can be checked with a refractometer.
..... have seen lots of honey :D: in 1st and 2nd supers, .....

I should be so lucky, OSR all around me here in NE Derbyshire but temperatures struggling to top 8 deg. C over the last few days.

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what a strange year

i expected the local orchard close to the new apiary to give the colonies on there a boost just prior to the OSR comming in

well OSR in full bloom but not producing much nectar as temperature around 10c and its gravelly soil that is not giving much in the drought....and the apple trees are still not showing much pink/white buds let alone come into flower
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