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Drone Bee
Aug 16, 2010
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Is anyone else wishing the days away so that we can get started with a good full inspection?
With the Welsh climate our bees are nowhere near ready for any intrusion but I guess it must vary greatly across the country.
What are the signs you look for to know that it's the right time to start cracking open the hive?
I always say,when its warm enough to weir a T-shirt without a coat then its warm enough to open up the bees..
Agree totally with that Mark . Mind you there are one or two Newcastle United supporters who would open up in the snow !
Warm sunny day,15˚,end of March here in Cumbria.
I'll ask what the rest of my BKA are doing as this will be my first spring.
My marker pens came from Amazon so I practised on a few dead bees bee-smillie
I always say,when its warm enough to weir a T-shirt without a coat then its warm enough to open up the bees

So June then? :cheers2:
That would be never in my book.

The first balmy feeling day. And no not had one yet.

After my previous misdemeanour- about a month after I first think!
Agree totally with that Mark . Mind you there are one or two Newcastle United supporters who would open up in the snow !

I used to go to the Newcastle matches in the middle of winter in just a t- shirt but I moved to Lincoln for six years and haven't adapted back to the climate up here even after eight years. I wont be thinking about opening my hives up till late march or early April obviously that is temperature dependant. Regards Andrew
"I always say,when its warm enough to wear a T-shirt without a coat"

damn - missed the opportunity - we had barmy 20C (and foot deep snow) a fortnight ago when i put first patties on.
There's an article in our local rag today about the benefits of home education (I have my views!) the son of the featured family obviously keeps bees as he is pictured without a veil and with the crown board off looking down on a cluster of bees on the top bars. I'm assuming the photo was taken this week as the bees are clustered together and not a flying bee in sight.

Home 'education'? surely all he had to do for a photo was don his beesuit, light a smoker and stand by a hive and not put a colony at risk. :rant:
When a name I trust on here says...'I looked at the bees today' or 'first inspection of the year...' get the idea??
I will see many posts that refer to 'first inspection' long, long before I inspect my bees.
'I looked at the bees today'

That, at this time of the year is quite true - but from a distance.

My first inspection (unless needed for something more urgent) will be done when appropriate. No dates, not necessarily the first warm day.

So 'appropriateness' rather than 'first opportunity'. I will be in no rush and will plan first, and actually do it when the conditions are right. If the conditions are not right, waiting a few more days is not the end of the world.

Regards, RAB
There's an article in our local rag today about the benefits of home education (I have my views!) the son of the featured family obviously keeps bees as he is pictured without a veil and with the crown board off looking down on a cluster of bees on the top bars. I'm assuming the photo was taken this week as the bees are clustered together and not a flying bee in sight.

Home 'education'? surely all he had to do for a photo was don his beesuit, light a smoker and stand by a hive and not put a colony at risk. :rant:

Plenty of people open the hive without removing any frames end of Dec early Jan and celebrate doing so.
One old recommendation is to do the first inspection when the flowering currants are in flower.

I like that one Peter - I'm minded to think that natural cues like that can be better than simply considering the temperature on one particular day, although I guess it makes no odds to the bees!

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