Lets think that a hive swarms 26.6. It is a big swarm, 4 kg. It fills two Langtroth boxes. There will be 8 frames brood and the rest honey.
after 4 weeks lots of new bees have emerged and the colony can expand its brood area. 50% of swarm bees have died naturally during 4 weeks.
Now the colony is able to occupy a third box, because 2 is not any more enough. I rearrange frames so that brood frames are down and honey frames up. Then I put a foundation box between brood and honey. They build and the queen lays as much as it can = 15 frames of brood at the end of main yield period. Finally it have done 40 kg honey to me and it has drawn 30 frames langstroth foundations. And we are at the end of July.
Those hives which are near rec clover, they do that trick . And those which are on fireweed pastures, they stop larva rearing quite soon because they do not get pollen from forest nature.
At the end of August our bee strains MUST stop brood rearing. And the key is their internal clock and the lack of pollen. It tells that autumn is coming. It is better to prepair for winter. Those hives which are not able to react this way, they will die in few months..
Old queens stop laying 2 weeks earlier than this summer mated.
Even Norton's Super Bees react here correctly to end of summer, but in spring they are 1 months too earlier to rear brood. They have difficulties with drinking water when snow fills ground. Elgon bees same same style.
. (this story bases to hundreds of colony cases in my yeard during decades)