Is anyone else cooking by candlelight

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Queen Bee
Oct 1, 2009
Reaction score
London N10
Hive Type
just had to sort out my Aged Aunts Christmas Day, she still has no electric due to storm

I thought well she has an an oil Aga and Oil Central heating so they would be warm, but I forgot they all need electricity to pump the oil

Popped up this morning with candles and there was no sign of EDF repairing the three broken electric poles so i rigged up a 300w camping inverter to a diesel 100amp car battery and now the Aga 100w pump is working , 9watts table lamp and a small 17" TV 12v off another battery

So bit better now as she has heat, food, light and entertainment, hopefully it will last until the power is back on (her daughter's Husband looked on as though i had performed a miracle, bl**dy townie no idea what it is like in the countryside, if this kind of power outage happened in London where I now live there would be riots and looting everywhere
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bl**dy townie no idea what it is like in the countryside, if this kind of power outage happened in London where I now live there would be riots and looting everywhere

Don't they have Rayburns and log burners ect, in London, to cook on and keep warm?
Don't they have Rayburns and log burners ect, in London, to cook on and keep warm?

The woman who bought our house in Cumbria installed an oil fired AGA that seemingly works/heats on demand and oven comes to temperature in 20 minutes.
Cost her 12K
For a cooker!!!!!!!
by the way MM well done.....Heath Robinson lives ;)
Yes, hats off to you MM.
We have had 7 cuts in the past 6 days, and the longest was 16 hrs. I was getting concerned on Xmas eve when still no power so got organised to ask a friend if I could cook that evening in their Aga.
I was cooking pork, and as they had a Jewish background, I shot to the butchers and bought some beef. Just as I was preparing to take this to her, the power returned so my sons had a variety of meats on the day after all. Great work by the lecky company who brought in people from their Xmas hols etc. And they phoned us to let us know of progress. Another cut Xmas day, but lunch eaten presents opened.. just stopped charades in the evening... but the little ones thought it great fun.

Was much worse in '87 hurricane .. Power was off for 10 days, and I had a Residential Home full of 26 frail elderly to keep warm, safe and fed.. Staff climbed over trees to get in... and the residents complained the toast was a bit thick, as bread cut to size!! Bless them
Yes, hats off to you MM.
We have had 7 cuts in the past 6 days, and the longest was 16 hrs. I was getting concerned on Xmas eve when still no power so got organised to ask a friend if I could cook that evening in their Aga.
I was cooking pork, and as they had a Jewish background, I shot to the butchers and bought some beef. Just as I was preparing to take this to her, the power returned so my sons had a variety of meats on the day after all. Great work by the lecky company who brought in people from their Xmas hols etc. And they phoned us to let us know of progress. Another cut Xmas day, but lunch eaten presents opened.. just stopped charades in the evening... but the little ones thought it great fun.

Was much worse in '87 hurricane .. Power was off for 10 days, and I had a Residential Home full of 26 frail elderly to keep warm, safe and fed.. Staff climbed over trees to get in... and the residents complained the toast was a bit thick, as bread cut to size!! Bless them

Well all power now back on and my 88yrs old aunt had a good christmas , just return from removing my heath robinson alternative supply

THe duaghters husband asked me if the ford to the A5 was passable as the water was high, hmmmm asked him what his car was ~ Volvo XC90 4x4, Said yes if you take it slowly andkeep to the up stream side but he decided not to follow me across in my VW Golf !!!!!!! and took a 5 mile detour, suppose he did not want to get his $X$ dirty

saw several EDF landrovers and vans working on the way back, not about to go to bed, bet they wished they could as well
No problems here.
I think all local cables are underground.

Got various 12v to 240v inverters and a 2.5 KW generator in the camper van, and we have a gas cooker.

I heard somebody (young) whinging on TV the other week that "they never brought us any sandbags".

and I find it unbelievable that considering everbody walks around all day looking at mobile phones that "nobody told me the trains were cancelled"

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