intruducing queens\cells

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Drone Bee
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Wilts
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Lots and lots
Hi Guys

I may be jumping the gun a bit, but have bought a bunch of Kielers to help with the queen rearing...

Is it better to add a virgin or an uncaged older QC?!?

If my cell production has worked, I sould hopefully see queens emerging next weekend or just after.

I hope to cage the queen cells in case of weather related delays. (pending approval!)
Once caged and emerged, how long can they be left in the hive prior to moving? (in case it is 10 degrees and pouring down with rain!)

I set them up with about to emerge cells and leave them confined in a cool, dark place for a few days while the queen emerges. This is very easy and seems to leave the little colony as a cohesive unit for the virgin to mate from, the only downside as far as I've experienced, is that the bees will sometimes build comb on the queen cell instead of following the starter strips.
IMO incubator virgins allow you to check for fitness before committing to keiler.
Keiler bees collected in a 1/2 AS so you dont get drones, keep in cool for at min 24 hours and allow to fly and feed.. close up at night, add virgin.. sugar spray may help,,,move to mating site open up and hope!
IMO incubator virgins allow you to check for fitness before committing to keiler.
Keiler bees collected in a 1/2 AS so you dont get drones, keep in cool for at min 24 hours and allow to fly and feed.. close up at night, add virgin.. sugar spray may help,,,move to mating site open up and hope!

I've always found quite a lot of the bees seem to disappear if they are released before being given some hope (cell or virgin).
I set up 6, 5 with newly hatched vigins last week & one with a queen cell. 4 absconded , the queencell is laying today & one of the virgin queens looks like she on the the verge of starting . All the other boxes are empty. Made them all up the same day put them all in a dark room for 48 hours before I put them out. Not a great success rate for my first trip out with them
When introducing the cells to Apideas or Kielers, is it advisable to sellotape around the sides to stop them chewing?
When introducing the cells to Apideas or Kielers, is it advisable to sellotape around the sides to stop them chewing?

I have never done this,or used any other type of cell protector and no problems with bees destroying the ripe cells introduced to the mating nucs.
I've just made up my first Keiler.

bees kept in dark garage for 2 days with fondant, virgin added in cage, left in garage one day, then outside and box opened, removed from cage after 2 days.. Accepted without problems. Hope she mates soon!

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