Depends on your situation with kit and how you want to do it. Have you ordered / got the new queen yet?
As with anything in Beekeepers everybody has different opinions and their favourite methods.
There is the quick method, kill the queen stick the new one in her cage in the hive (you could leave it an hour or so). Doing it this way I would tend to leave the tab on for a couple of days.
If you have a nuc box make up a nuc with old queen. Then the choices depend on how you feel about handling the queen or not or how good you are at finding queen cells.
1. Follow as above.
2. Make up a nuc and leave hive queenless for 4 days or so, then go through every frame find every queen cell and destroy it. The put new queen in as above. Given she can get through an excluded you can't really limit her to a single brood box or part of for 4 or 5 days, this would give you the opportunity to take those frames she had access to which could make queen cells. You could cage her for 4 or 5 days if you are confident of catching and handling her. Try to leave only sealed brood with new queen.
3. Make a nuc up with new queen once laying and decent amount of bees remove old queen and unite, by preferred method.
If successful make sure you check, recheck and check again for Queen Cells because the bees dont always tear them down, otherwise you may find a nice new virgin has done in you bought queen.