input required! Ive just split the hive!

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House Bee
May 18, 2017
Reaction score
Fareham, Hampshire
Hive Type
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Hi all,

I have another scenario which would be great to get some input on please, just some guidance from you more experienced beeks -be nice!

So I have been away and assumed the bees had plenty of space, but my queen is laying very prolifically, to the point where I thought the hive was using the brood box for stores HOWEVER this is not the case, the second brood box all baring about 2-3 frames yesterday was full with capped brood (today a lot has hatched) when I did a top brood box inspection yesterday i noticed some cups - one with larvae in so today this is what I have done:

1.Went through first brood box and found ONE elongated queen cup with larvae in, mix of brood, stored and a couple of empty frames.
2. As I saw the above I thought I cant wait till the new hive arrives to do the AS split so this is what I have done...

3. Put queen and a couple of brood frames, a store frame and 1 or 2 empty frames into a nuc (made sure no cups of QC on any frames)
4. put the nuc in the same place as where the old hive was (waiting for new hive to arrive)
5. left the two queen cells in the original hive along with most of the stores, brood etc with the super box on top also.
6. I plan on moving the original hive to a different location/ change position
7.once new hive arrives I plan on putting the continence of the nuc in the new hive

I was not planning on doing the split today, I thought I had time to get the new hive but after seeing the more developed QC I wasn't sure how much time I had on my hands, also I spotted the queen so wanted to make sure she is safe, also the bees were VERY UNHAPPY with me so i thought best get it done today rather than having to find her again in a few days and having to go through the whole thing.

The new hive should arrive by Tue/Wed latest, will the set up suffice till then?

Thoughts welcome... please :thanks:

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