IMPORTANT Deadline for registration of poultry

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Queen Bee
Mar 4, 2011
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Today, 1st October, is the last day to register your poultry on the site if you keep less than 50 birds.
Good luck with that. The site is inundated with people trying!
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I guess because it is a legal requirement with a max £5000 fine or 6 months inside. Registration is free! Is it worth the risk?
I registered a month or so back because we have a neighbour who is the type to complain, purely out of spite. The whole site was useless for doing so. Didn't say what information was required or anything. I ended up just emailing them to say we kept about a dozen to a dozen and a half chickens.

I registered a month or so back because we have a neighbour who is the type to complain, purely out of spite. The whole site was useless for doing so. Didn't say what information was required or anything. I ended up just emailing them to say we kept about a dozen to a dozen and a half chickens.

Likewise. I gave them the CPH number from when I had sheep too.
Just messaged my daughter so she can message a friend who can message her parents (still following?) because they have a single pet hen and probably haven't even heard about the new rules.

Good luck with that. The site is inundated with people trying!
the site has been down for over a fortnight - it's not a last minute logjam
it takes a couple of minutes to fill in the PDF form available on the website and emailing it to them
The whole site was useless for doing so. Didn't say what information was required or anything.
as above - it was easy peasy and all the information they need is on the form
It's not about being a renegade. It's about being responsible and doing as you'd be done by.
just making a point - there are loads of outcomers in my area and further afield, leading the good life and who think they are special who would make a point of not registering.
The fera mob have done a good job around here, attending both the spring smallholder's fair and the Royal Welsh canvassing people to register.
I think after the plotting and scheming to acquire under the counter OA without a licence I think we, the collective should wind our neck in a bit there.
Just messaged my daughter so she can message a friend who can message her parents (still following?) because they have a single pet hen and probably haven't even heard about the new rules.

It's not just poultry that needs to be registered, if anyone has a granny with a budgie in a cage for company, they need to register too
Likewise. I gave them the CPH number from when I had sheep too.
If you haven't got a parish number, they will make one up for you - so that's two I have now!!
It's likebwhat happened when the fasion started for having pet sheep, there will be thousands more urban semis with their own holding numbers!! :icon_204-2:
A grannie with a budgie in a cage - indoors - does not need to register.
as above - it was easy peasy and all the information they need is on the form

I don't think there was a form when I registered, just an email address.

A grannie with a budgie in a cage - indoors - does not need to register.

Indeed. As far as I'm aware, any birds housed indoors with no access to the open air are exempt (unless they get taken to shows or similar).

A grannie with a budgie in a cage - indoors - does not need to register.
most budgie owners I know take joey in its cage out into the garden when it's fine
And Gwilym Digby, a neighbour of ours from years ago would take his late mother's parrot out and leave him on the garden wall to sit and watch the world go by
most budgie owners I know take joey in its cage out into the garden when it's fine
And Gwilym Digby, a neighbour of ours from years ago would take his late mother's parrot out and leave him on the garden wall to sit and watch the world go by
Not Gwilym Digby ….well I’m blowed! 😜
From the depths of my memory I have an idea that some elderly relation or other used to keep a caged jackdaw in their house (this would have been early 70s). It might even have learned to say a few words. Was that ever a thing? Budgies and suchlike, sure, but a caged jackdaw seems a bit unlikely.

From the depths of my memory I have an idea that some elderly relation or other used to keep a caged jackdaw in their house (this would have been early 70s). It might even have learned to say a few words. Was that ever a thing? Budgies and suchlike, sure, but a caged jackdaw seems a bit unlikely.


I'm thinking now that it might have been a Myna bird. Such a long time ago that I really can't be sure. I just recall a very dark bird in a cage that definitely wasn't a budgie or canary.


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