I'm disappearing again...sorry

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Jun 8, 2010
Reaction score
Dartmoor edge, uk
Hive Type
Number of Hives
5...2 wooden National, 2 poly Nat & 1 poly nuc...bursting at the seams
Hi All,

I'm afraid I am disappearing for a while, My Mum has just been diagnosed with cancer - so I have to go to Gloucestershire on Saturday to support/care for her before & after her op...

It may be 2 weeks or a month or longer...whatever the prognosis demands. My hubby may post if lost or in a panic...be kind...

And those we have relied on in the past - he may contact you if something happens he can't cope with....

Have a good start to the active season...:grouphug:
Sorry to hear that Queens. Hope it all works out for your Mum.
My aged mum has just come out of a two week stay as a result of an emergency admission so my heartfelt wishes. Take care and we'll look after hubby!
Sorry to hear that Queens.

I hope the operation is as successful as possible and that your mum can convalesce as fully as possible.
Good luck to all of you, here's hoping your Mum's op is a success
Very sorry to hear this, Queens, hope all goes well
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your Mum Queens, of course we will be gentle with your OH
Fingers crossed.
Unless you need the distraction (when they can be helpful), don't worry about the bees.
Good luck to your mum, and to you.
Thanks all - I leave in the morning - and your best wishes have given me a great boost - Thank-you all x

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