I have a non laying queen

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Hello is this another one for me?
Basically it means being infected with a unicellular protozoan called Nosema. There are two types associated with bees: N.apis or N.ceranae. The latter one has been associated with CCD and is fast becoming a concern in the UK.

Hope that helps.
Basically it means being infected with a unicellular protozoan called Nosema. There are two types associated with bees: N.apis or N.ceranae. The latter one has been associated with CCD and is fast becoming a concern in the UK.

Hope that helps.

N Ceranae, often does not show the usual dysentry signs assocated with N apis
N Ceranae, often does not show the usual dysentry signs assocated with N apis

Spot on, i have two hives currently loaded with nosema, i suspect ceranae as the combs and inside of the hive are clean.

Admin very kindly did a test for me, so am going to start the treatment of those hives and others tomorrow and see what can be salvaged.

Not happy, pissed off with this chuffing weather too, its not helping matters.

Sorry to hear that grizzlybut there might bee hope in the treatment for Nosema normally the bees do respond to treatment and they will become stronger and after a while you wouldn't know they had had the disease, on the other hand if its a heavy infestation then I would reccommend kill all the bees (Sorry bout that but that's life.) Is it known if bees suffer pain?
sorry if that upset you, I do know how it feels when we lose a colony and when I had my hives vandalised I nearly cried with all those dead bees .
Only Kidding, yes it is very upsetting but with the start of the treatment i am hoping for positive results.

After this recent diagnosis i am hellbent on buying a microscope so as to factor this into my beekeeping year with regular tests on my colonies for nasty infections like Nosema Ceranae.

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