"It should be very good wax without contaminents!
why would you think this?"
because one of the many arguments for Top Bar or other forms of "natural" beekeeping is that one wants to work towards "organic" principles, even if one cannot control what bees forage on.
A US study showed that pesticide residues accumulate in wax and survive the foundation making process. So those queues of beeks at stoneleigh may well be contributing to the decline of bees.
Ron Hoskins apparently keeps a TBH at his apiary which is used solely for harvesting virgin wax.
There are so many different chemicals being released into our atmosphere and or immediate enviornment today that will linger there until the end of time or until they are locked away like our oil and coal was.
If one has ever read the book called "Silent Spring" by Rachael Carson they would realise the thoughts behind the corporate minds leading the profit and setting the Allotted PPM against health and profits have all taken natures as it was to the brink, if one takes stock of all the species today that are being lost, you could say the modern revolution has set in motion the next extinction period which we are currently at the midway point of right now.
Since the second world war which on paper has only really ceased and still continues in other parts, the onslought upon the natural world and its biodivercity has been paramount, the wild genuses and their beneficial and or antibacterial contents used for millenia by all of nature have all but dissapeared from our locality and only protected in places to stop them from completely being destroyed.
These antibacterials are a vital part of the bees diet which are also passed onto us.
If you go back to the giant orchard days of natural honies on old growth orchards you can see certain patterns emmerging as to the Varroa problem starting to spread throughout, as the older herbage was knocked back by sprays and chemical fertilisers the Varroa spreads too.
Our farm was completely free of all chemicals right through the green revolution and still is, the 20 or so colonies that grandfather kept stayed Varroa free like many other place in the higher dales and isolated farming vallies free from this revolution, long after the rest of the country was decimated so to speak, talk to older beeks from such areas and they can confirm what is being said here.
In the case of the bees its not really possible for all to return to the kind of natural enviornment like we by and large still have here and the next couple of seasons doing the regression and other trials will be very intetesting for myself and a sellcted few at least.