There should be no need to contemplate that, good queen cells are born with a load royal jelly still in the top of the cell on the day of hatching. If you raise you own queens you wont need to even attempt this because your working with your bees, raising queens when your bees would do this, but giving them more than best conditions possible.
If your thinking of injecting Royal jelly in to cells, how do you know your not damaging the larvae when you inject it?
The other issue is inly very few are failed cells, and how could you tell what or why the cell failed. was it virus in the Jelly. The best way to harvest royal jelly is to remove emergency cells. Not from failed queen cells.
Although i have never heard of this, i really would consider this fool hardy to even attempt it.
Raising good cells is relatively easy, getting them successfully mated is another thing altogether!. Your better off enhancing your drone population in the vicinity of your apiary!
Normally when its commercially harvested, its frozen down. thats the best way to preserve it.