Alan shears
New Bee
Do you have to put queen excludes on horizontal hives
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Do you have to put queen excludes on horizontal hives
You don'r HAVE to use a queen excluder in any hive - it's a convenience tool for the beekeeper. I found in my Long deep hive that the honey is stored in frames at either side of the brood area - if you move a capped frame of honey outwards and replace it with an empty one you will gradually end up with the frames of honey at the ends of the hive so there is little need for a queen excluder.Do you have to put queen excludes on horizontal hives
You don'r HAVE to use a queen excluder in any hive - it's a convenience tool for the beekeeper. I found in my Long deep hive that the honey is stored in frames at either side of the brood area - if you move a capped frame of honey outwards and replace it with an empty one you will gradually end up with the frames of honey at the ends of the hive so there is little need for a queen excluder.
Yes ... the main entrance is in the centre - however, there are second entrances (normally closed with corks) at either end on diametrically opposed sides.Whereas when I ran horizontal hives, I had an entrance at the end of the hive (I think Philip has middle ones) so the bees stored all their honey at one side... and then swarmed when they had no room! Never used a QE in horizontal hives: bees organised it very well.