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I've never given my bees slug pellets - what time of the year do you put them on?

I did actually find some large slugs had got into a poly nuc in my out apiary. I scooped them out and sprinkled some "natural" slug pellets around the nuc. Either the pellets worked on this occasion or the colony (bees, not slugs) grew large enough to keep them put.
I use nematodes in the garden for slug control. Natural and effective.
I did actually find some large slugs had got into a poly nuc in my out apiary. I scooped them out and sprinkled some "natural" slug pellets around the nuc. Either the pellets worked on this occasion or the colony (bees, not slugs) grew large enough to keep them put.
I use nematodes in the garden for slug control. Natural and effective.

Sorry - but just the original comment was lost on me - the relevance?
I thought I might resurrect this thread. Vita had literature on it at the WBKA convention and I foolishly threw it away. I've emailed Vita to see when it's available here. On US websites there is much talk about whether you should apply the strips just the once or more often. Whatever you decide it seems to be applicable at any time of year. I have one colony that needs treating but cannot be Vapourised unless I move the bees into a new brood and floor (it's a MB botch-up and is falling apart at an eke I added underneath the brood box) so I was looking at a "quick fix" before it is united to another.
I might PM Mike Palmer for his experiences of it
In his talk at the WBKA convention, Max Watkins was hopeful that it would be available by the end of this year....
In his talk at the WBKA convention, Max Watkins was hopeful that it would be available by the end of this year....

Ah, thanks bontbee....didn't go to that one.
Bit late for me then....back to plan A

Later.....from Vita
The (European) Centralised Registration process is underway and should be completed before the end of this year, provided the 28 EU Member States do not require any further information from us. We hope to register both Hopguard I and Hopguard II (corrugated strips) presentations.
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Yes, they will be the suppliers.........but not till Vita let them have it at the end of the year, seemingly
Anyone think this will ever actually arrive in UK?

Probably not ... the costs of getting bee health products accredited by the VMD is significant and unless you are one of the large pharma companies with the financial ability and a product that we can be persuaded to buy in quantity it's almost certain to be not worth it. Some smaller companies have already withdrawn from the U.K. Market for that reason ... hiveclean comes to mind if my memory has not been affected by neonics !
Hopquard have been raported to be uneffective against varroa.

Hiveclean is practically oxalic acid..
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Yes .. but via the US company Amazon.com. Without VMD approval it would be illegal to use it in the UK ... mind you, you could say that about sublimated generic OA which doesn't seem to bother a large number of beekeeepers on here ?

Agreed. I said "available", not "legal".

Hopquard have been raported to be uneffective against varroa.

I think that's pretty much what Vita said as the reason for withdrawing their application.

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