Hopefully my last OSR question for this year........

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Field Bee
Jan 11, 2018
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The OSR has been over at least 3 weeks here. I extracted all I could then that was cappen and also that passed the shake test. This came in at 16 on the refraction. There was more honey in the supers but this was uncapped and run out the comb so was no ready...

I have checked the last 3 weeks and they are capping very slowly and are at around 1/2 capped but the uncapped cells on the frames still do not pass the shake test. I have around 3 supers full like this.

Can I leave it longer until it's all capped before extracting as I'm sure theres still a flow on as they are drawing comb in other supers and BB's. I want to get this off the hives before the summer flow so I can get the summer runny honey?

I had thought about taking it off extracting and hoping it mixes to below 18%

Any advice welcome

Edit... the last shake test was only some spots with hard shake not running out
The OSR has been over at least 3 weeks here.t

You should have extracted two and half weeks ago!!
Sounds like you now have a new flow on and there is a lot of unprocessed nectar around. Worth checking % early morning when any fresh nectar should have been processed.
Check late afternoon and fresh nectar will be everywhere.
Thanks BF... I will check in the morning and take off and extract all.
Hope that didn't sound too harsh...but if you are using wooden hives it's best to get off ASAP as it can quickly set in the combs when cold.
Mid afternoon is the worst time to check uncapped honey due to the bees bringing in fresh nectar...I make that mistake time and time again...
Hope that didn't sound too harsh...but if you are using wooden hives it's best to get off ASAP as it can quickly set in the combs when cold.
Mid afternoon is the worst time to check uncapped honey due to the bees bringing in fresh nectar...I make that mistake time and time again...

No not harsh at all BF, you've helped me allot in and past and all still a learning curve for me still.
also, 16 is a good low reading compared to most so it will take a degree of mixing with higher if necessary, obviously youd want to avoid relying on that if you can
Check three or four frames in each box before extracting with a refractometer. Leave the wet ones for the bees and take the dry ones for you. It is usually the outside ones that are wetter.
Quick update....

Was out early this morning and checked and took off 35kg of honey.... once in buckets it was at 16.5% so all good. Think I left about 5 part filled frames spread over all supers so all good.

Thanks all for advice