Honey extraction

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Field Bee
Mar 25, 2017
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20+ nucs
I have had some members of association enquiring how much i would charge for extracting supers
What would be a fair price per super to charge?
I have had some members of association enquiring how much i would charge for extracting supers
What would be a fair price per super to charge?
Who knows ? ... work out what it takes you in time to spin out a super ... add in set up time - add in clean up time. factor in the inevitable buggeration and then multiply it by what you consider a fair remuneration for your time ...

You will tread a thin line as it depends what your clients value their honey at ... how much honey they can expect from a super and how much they are willing to give away of their profit.

If you can combine a number of 'clients' together it will save you some time but you will have to extract separately for hygiene reasons and clean up in between.

My opinion ? It's got the makings of a car crash that will cost you money and aggravation rather than make you money and leave you with a warm satisfied feeling - but perhaps you have some idea of what you are letting yourself in for and the answers to the inevitable questions and comments from some people:

'look what you have done to my frames ?'
'I thought there was more honey in there than that' ,
'Those are not the supers I brought to you'.
'I thought you were going to put it in jars as well' ,
'I was expecting it to be separated by super',
'It hasn't been filtered properly',
'Can I have my cappings wax back' etc. etc.

I'm sure there are more ...

Good luck... my advice standing charge of £100 to cover set up and wash up and £10 a frame, paid in advance or you keep the honey until they have paid ! ... If you are going to do it make it worthwhile....
Most associations have extraction equipment that can be borrowed/ rented out by its members.
It's worth seeing if yours does.
I have had some members of association enquiring how much i would charge for extracting supers
What would be a fair price per super to charge?
I agree with Pargyle that this could be a disaster waiting to happen but I do extract and jar for some of my clients.
I charge my clients about £1.20/jar depending on size and I keep the cappings.
Thanks for feedback
I think ill skip this venture sounds like too much hassle