Holier than thou!

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Queen Bee
Jul 10, 2011
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OK, so something happened today to prompt me to start this thread. I won't mention names because that won't serve a purpose but there is a common theme which has been expressed in ever more vociferous terms by a growing number of beeks.

So, I'm the evil wasp pot salesman out for one thing only and that's to con and diddle hard done by beekeepers and shame on me for doing so!

Well here's a hard truth for those of you taking that line that you need to reflect on.

I don't stick bees in a captive box that's difficult for them to defend so that I can steal their honey from their hard work!

If I did I would damn well make sure that I discharged my duty of care to my bees to give them the best protection that they deserved from whatever quarter that came from.

I refuse to cow tow to the vanity of a motley crew of holier than thou beekeepers. Don't like it - I don't care if you choke on it!

I don't judge beekeepers for exploiting bees. But it's total hypocrisy to criticise a genuine effort to provide integrated wasp management help and assistance because there's an offer of a commercial (albeit cheap in real terms) solution on a take it or leave but never openly promoted basis.

And whilst this may sound like a rant, it's not. They're your bees. You do with them as your conscience see fit. All I'm doing is pricking your conscience if you're one of those holier than thou beekeepers.
There's only a handful (or less) of them Karol - the vast majority on here, I would suggest, have valued your insightful posts into wasp behaviour over the years (at least those of us who have bothered to follow your posts and read them !).

To be honest, I can't remember a single post of yours that has any hint of your commercial interests.

So don't tar us all with the same brush - the few that been chipping at your heels in the last few days really don't get it - and probably never will. Don't waste you breath on them ... there'll be a few more like me along shortly I would imagine.
Just to be perfectly clear, my comments are expressly aimed at the minority Pargyle.

The vast majority of bee keepers as you quite rightly point out are decent, respectful soles who appreciate the sacrifice that their bees make and respect, love and tend their bees accordingly and it's a delight and pleasure to help and work with them.
Just to be perfectly clear, my comments are expressly aimed at the minority Pargyle.

The vast majority of bee keepers as you quite rightly point out are decent, respectful soles who appreciate the sacrifice that their bees make and respect, love and tend their bees accordingly and it's a delight and pleasure to help and work with them.

Most of the beekeepers I know (in the flesh and on line) are very much like that - but there'll always be a few rear orifices around ... c'est la vie !
So, I'm the evil wasp pot salesman

I have to say that I have learned a lot about a creature that I would otherwise take all steps to destroy from our conversations. I don't have any of your products but that may well change. As you say, that is my decision and your information and advice was freely given. I see no harm in anything you have done on here. In fact, I applaud your restraint. not worthy
Look at how you influenced me!! Bee keeping does seem to attract some right tools. Deep breath. let it go.

Btw, found my first ever wasps nest yesterday, and walked swiftly away lol ;)
So much useful information which has been so helpful. We all, as we grow up, develop fear of stinging creatures. After learning more about bees I found with the right handling...I don't get stung..or at least rarely. Now having learnt a little more about wasps and their place in the world....I have changed how I view them. I had no idea about how they operated....other than that they made nests in the spring and were a nuisance in August. I guess education is the thing...although it doesn't hurt to question why lifelong beliefs are wrong. Already, I am planning for next year. So thank you for your help...it is much appreciated.
So, I'm the evil wasp pot salesman ...

And whilst this may sound like a rant, ... All I'm doing is pricking your conscience if you're one of those holier than thou beekeepers.

You can't prick my conscience (or anybody else's, I suppose) because I don't have a clue what you're on about. To me your post does sound like a rant without a subject. Is there one?
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I don't judge beekeepers for exploiting bees. But it's total hypocrisy to criticise a genuine effort to provide integrated wasp management help and assistance because there's an offer of a commercial (albeit cheap in real terms) solution on a take it or leave but never openly promoted basis.

T'was on the receiving end of a particularly vociferous rant from a "member" of the Bumblely bee conversation trust... or some such organisation a couple of months back, when I suggested to a lady ( also perusing their stand of glossy leaflets) that a wasp trap would help to keep the little beasts off her jam scones... and perhaps if there was a nuisance wasp ( from description Tree Bumbles) nest nearby it should for her infant child's safety sake be irradiated.
Bumbley bee lady launched into me saying that I was wrong and all wasp traps also kill thousands of bumbley bees and honey bees and butterflies and moths... then went on to berate me as a beekeeper responsible for killing off endangered bumbley bee species species, by taking away the bumbley bee forage...

Karol... you just can not win.... lot of ostriches out there!

Mytten da
OK, so something happened today to prompt me to start this thread. I won't mention names because that won't serve a purpose but there is a common theme which has been expressed in ever more vociferous terms by a growing number of beeks.

So, I'm the evil wasp pot salesman out for one thing only and that's to con and diddle hard done by beekeepers and shame on me for doing so!

Well here's a hard truth for those of you taking that line that you need to reflect on.

I don't stick bees in a captive box that's difficult for them to defend so that I can steal their honey from their hard work!

If I did I would damn well make sure that I discharged my duty of care to my bees to give them the best protection that they deserved from whatever quarter that came from.

I refuse to cow tow to the vanity of a motley crew of holier than thou beekeepers. Don't like it - I don't care if you choke on it!

I don't judge beekeepers for exploiting bees. But it's total hypocrisy to criticise a genuine effort to provide integrated wasp management help and assistance because there's an offer of a commercial (albeit cheap in real terms) solution on a take it or leave but never openly promoted basis.

And whilst this may sound like a rant, it's not. They're your bees. You do with them as your conscience see fit. All I'm doing is pricking your conscience if you're one of those holier than thou beekeepers.

Your post is probably justified to some extent but I think it's rightful place is in the pesticides and politics section.
Over to you admin :adminpower:
... then went on to berate me as a beekeeper responsible for killing off endangered bumbley bee species species, by taking away the bumbley bee forage...[/QUOTE]

Don't let me turn into one of these people, I beg of you lol

I think the tide may be turning in that direction as more people are becoming aware that it is our wild bees that are in crisis, but it is honey bees that set me off in this direction and hope I will always have honey bees in my life in some way or other.

Have I missed something? Many times I have seen posts dismissing Karol's traps as expensive and the poster can do just as well alone - using the information Karol has given and his traps as a base of course. That has to get old after a while. Everyone has the right to vent and have their say.

I hate when posts get removed/deleted/edited. I am left thinking I'm missed something ;)
I find Karol's posts informative & interesting. Not once have I a read a post & considered it to be a commercial pitch. Keep doing what you're doing.
Hi Karol,
You are nothing of the sort. You are always promoting the usefulness of wasps, but are prepared to keep a balanced view to help us beeks that don't manage to keep strong colonies or are trying to make increases in nucs and apidea at the height of the wasp season. I am certainly not aware of you selling anything on the forum. HM does, but I don't see anyone complaining. Some people just have to grow up, but sadly for most of them it is too late. You are an important asset to the forum, so please rise above them.
What do they taste like?
My 15 year old son cooked Kangaroo steak last night and it was delicious.
sorry...went off at a tangent there! :icon_204-2:

quite good! Lidl used to sell them years ago. tastes a bit like pigeon breast with the texture of a rump steak. back to wasps now :)

1) You're a really cool dude who's done a lot of good on the forum. I've learned such a lot about wasps (and bees) from you.

2) Your traps are brill and work for me; I'm amazed that people still do the jam jar thingy (unless finance is an issue).


3) I really am holier than thou - and I have a licence from a Bishop to say so. (At least, thats the theory!)

Ignore the loony fringe, Karol. You're too easily provoked.

Most of us love you.
