Hive assembly

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I use old pallets - and have just made a Warre hive from them so my methods are not for those who can use proper wood or a sawtable.

I use polyurethane glue (Gorilla in my case) to join everything as the expansion when setting fills in the inevitable holes/cracks etc.

I square up by building on an old ply school desk which IS square and aligning two sides on that : and squaring vertically with a set square.

Screw together with any kind of screw - I don't use stainless as I reckon the steel screws will outlive the life of the wood..(Our local Assoc apiary has hives using steel screws which are 30 + years old and the screws are still intact and are just plain steel from the rust).

Measure across the diagonals with a tape measure to ensure all is square.

Only one pilot screw at first (like someone above)..until all is square.

If really worried about dimensions, draw bottom out on greaseproof paper and pin to ply desk lid and align from that.

Use glue with a setting time of at least 30 minutes to allow for cockups.. I am NOT a carpenter.

As above, PVA glues are not suitable for uneven surfaces so I do not use them often.

Fill knot holes and cracks with PVA glue mixed with sawdust..

Surform all irregularities afterwards...

Nails not really suitable for irregular wood due to lack of clamping effect..

I use cheap and nasty screw clamps which are instant to use, are very cheap.. and easy to find under a layer of sawdust..

I have a self made cutting edge for large cuts made with a circular saw.. clamped to a 35 year old original Workmate...