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If I were you I would continue to take precautions about being stung.

Oh don't worry. I have no ideas about doing away with my suit. I may not be phobic any more but I'm not that comfortable with them lol

I was just wondering what it would be like without all that bulky hot stuff, and how nice it must be for people who can keep bees without it - but it's definitely not for me ;)

You should see me in my suit. Duct taped up, elastic bands everywhere! I don't want a sneaky bee getting in there with me. I fear I may pass out! ;)
I have a great photo of a Mexican beekeeper working with africanised bees wearing shorts and a t shirt and nothing else. He may have sandals I can't remember...if you've seen my stingless bee talk then you'll have seen it. His attitude was that if you're careful they are fine, and if he's wearing a suit and gloves he can't be careful. At least I think that's what he said. It was hard to hear through my double suit...

Adam, where could I catch your stingless bee talk? Sounds interesting.
Did they say from emergence to laying 3 days?!? Did I hear that right? I was on the phone, lots of people ringing me to tell me about the program lol
Hang on, has anyone here had a queen merge to lay in 3 days? I've only reared one and she took about 3 and a half weeks.
Did they say from emergence to laying 3 days?!? Did I hear that right? I was on the phone, lots of people ringing me to tell me about the program lol

I heard that too :( but what was possibly a massive turn off for potential new honey buyers was at the end of the program when there was mention of the honey containing bits of bees. I could imagine many people looking to rush out and buy a jar of honey in the morning suddenly changing their minds. A bit of very poor marketing!
Hang on, has anyone here had a queen merge to lay in 3 days? I've only reared one and she took about 3 and a half weeks.

That's what was said. Must be a mistake as never heard of a queen merge then lay that quick.
Their flying robot mustn't be too good either as they never showed it actually find the bees out foraging & what they were foraging on.

Love Beekeeping <3
Hang on, has anyone here had a queen merge to lay in 3 days? I've only reared one and she took about 3 and a half weeks.

Yes they said the hive had swarmed earlier that week and then showed larva supposedly from the new queen! Maybe they requeened and didn't want to add that complication or maybe it ended up being cut for time and they lost continuity.
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Why would her honey have bits of bee in it? I've had loads of honey now and never found a bit of bee once. Ah well, I suppose it was a good program, I can over look little bits. I loved the footage of the queen mating! Amazing! I have no idea how they got that.
Why would her honey have bits of bee in it? I've had loads of honey now and never found a bit of bee once. Ah well, I suppose it was a good program, I can over look little bits. I loved the footage of the queen mating! Amazing! I have no idea how they got that.

It looked like they stuck a queen on a stick and went fishing.... It seemed to be trying to get free rather than flying.
Why would her honey have bits of bee in it? I've had loads of honey now and never found a bit of bee once.

I do get the occasional leg in there but it all gets filtered out when the honey goes into the settling tank.
At the risk of opening a can of worms...what's the problem with manuka honey? The latest clinical research continues to show its effectiveness. It's used in wound care clinics. Just don't eat it for health - you'll rot your teeth, get fat and be eating a not-very-nice honey - but the wound care story gets more convincing as time goes on.
Why would her honey have bits of bee in it? I've had loads of honey now and never found a bit of bee once. Ah well, I suppose it was a good program, I can over look little bits. I loved the footage of the queen mating! Amazing! I have no idea how they got that.

If she didnt use a strainer bits of bee (and wax) are possible. I always put my honey through a two stage strainer and tell my customers I have done to reassure them they arent likely to get unwanted extras.
It just seemed a peurile remark that undid all the positive work the program did. The Manuka was hype but didn't detract from the good promotion whereas the bee bits comment did. - Inexcusably stupid in my book.
I guess many of us want to believe that our own local honey 'could' be just as good as Manuka, although I agree the data from wound dressings is compelling. However, I remain in hope that our Ivy honey might one day show some unique trait worthy of the fuss Manuka gets. Now that would be a day to celebrate!