As Sherwood says, really.
Decide what frames and go with it.
Personally I prefer 14 x 12s. They are more difficult for a new starter - I get some wasted foundation if I am not careful.
It is one extra order of difficulty searching out that elusive queen.
Frames can be more difficult to remove without 'rubbing 'the bees up the wrong way!
Most nucs will come on standard deep frames, so may not need so many frames at present on standard brood. So not so much lost.
Might be more important to decide on OMFs rather than solid floors in your first year.
Get frames with wider top bars if you decide 8 1/2 so you maybe only need to change side bars if/when you decide to go 14 x 12.
You might want to go with same size boxes (2 x std brood is a bit big) but are you going for two colonies initially?
I reckon overall, yes. But your call. Take into account all the local advice you can get.
Regards, RAB