Help! My beeswax doesn't smell like beeswax and it's tainting my honey

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May 18, 2013
Reaction score
Traditional Surrey
Hive Type
Number of Hives
10-20 depending
I had thought (separate thread) that brood comb might be responsible, but it's the wax itself. Going back to pure virgin unlaid brace comb from my main cropping colony this year, it does not have that amazing beeswax smell, but a much less pleasant smell. Hard to describe and not rancid or chemical, just not appetising in honey. Hops is as close as I can get. And it has imparted it to the honey, which tastes fine but (to my nose) does not smell like honey.

There is no disease in the hive, which is very strong. The smell is not thymol and I use no acaricides etc.

What's up with that? Any ideas? It's a disappointment, and worrying. Just one of those things: some colonies' wax smells not so good?
Where did you buy it? If T's, P's etc it should be okay but some of the ebay stuff may/is not pure bees wax!