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New Bee
Oct 4, 2022
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Hi all, I'm looking to get started with beekeeping, waiting to get on a loacal course here in Ayrshire. Feb/Mar seem to be the norm. Then kind of take it from there. Has anyone had issues with the placement of hives? We're not allowed to keep bees where we live so looking to maybe ask a farmer? But also want to stay away from pesticides and livestock farms. If I can get past those two obvious obstacles at the moment (experience & land), Im hoping to take things further and maybe even start a busniess. I work in IT so looking at website design, ads, SEO, etc. has been quite fun.

Abit more about me, I was in the Army before I got into IT 8 years ago and was a chef before that. Anyway, taking this new journey step by step. Hope youre all having a great week!

Hello Jarryd and welcome.
It’s a good step to take a course at your local BKA
If you’re looking at an apiary site a good place to start would be the membership there. There are often non beekeeping members who let others keep hives on their land.
How much pesticide there is depends on the amount of arable farming and where there is none you’re likely to find livestock so keeping the bees away will likely be impossible
I keep my bees half a mile away from a 250 head dairy farm quite successfully.
I keep my bees half a mile away from a 250 head dairy farm quite successfully.
Most of my apiaries are sited on livestock farms - sheep, beef cattle and one rare breeds farm at the castle. Can't see there being a problem as long as you ensure the livestock can't get at the hives to knock them over
Welcome to the forum, Jarryd. Hope you get through all obstacles.
:welcome: on a clear day I can see over the Firth to the Ayr coastline.
Like you I am prohibited from keeping any form of livestock where I live so I keep some of mine on a beef farm, as mentioned its the fencing that really matters. I only had to ask once to be able to use some land. My problem here was finding an area which offered good enough forage to produce some honey and enough pollen for the rest of the year and in an accessible but sheltered spot. Didn't really manage to achieve the sheltered bit completely :sunning:

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