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New Bee
Mar 13, 2011
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Hello, I have been debating keeping bees for over two years now and I have finally made the decision to start. I have the support of my OH, a few interested friends and local beekeepers.

Last year I attended a day's beekeeping course and loved every minute of it. I have gone on to read a multitude of books as I find bees fascinating! I thought I would look for a more in depth bee keeping course over a number of weeks but the only ones available near me cost £220 which is rather expensive, the cost of a hive! I have joined my local beekeeping group and registered for a nuc when one becomes available. I have the support of four local beekeepers too which is wonderful.

I hope to get on a course before bees arrive but feel confident armed with knowledge from books including Ted Hooper's plus local beekeeper support to help with hive inspections. It will be a steep learning curve I know but I'm ready to start. :)
Welcome to the forum. It is a great place to ask questions and seek the views of the more experienced Beekeepers.
Blimey at that price I would want a Nuc plus bees , but anyway welcome to the wonderful world of beekeeping anf the world of the honey bee. Please feel free to ask any questions you have on here as someone will help you no question is silly or otherwise. Good luck to you for when you get your bees .

Good luck AJuff,

Welcome. You are much speedier than I - probably deliberated for 8 years and bought bees last year - towards the end of the season. Started my beginners course last week though like you I have read and watched videos. Also did a short weekend course last year.
I found that by searching for 'buy bees BKA newsletter' I found various BKA newsletters and often members with spare bees have small ads stating this. When they are passing on via their local BKA prices tend to be a little more modest.
It might work for you, too. As it happened, the BKA I located was adjacent to my own which worked out well.
You might be lucky and get that nuc fairly quickly. I was on the list from my BKA but got impatient and bought some for £140 last year, getting the association split one month later. It's always better to have two colonies rather than one. It's great that you have mentorship. I wouldn't have gained confidence without mine....she has been a gem, and she's asked me to tutor the beginners this year...I feel so chuffed!!

Get on that course as soon as you can and best of luck.

PS a bit parky your side of the country, I think. I would seriously think about putting your bees in a polyhive. I started with wooden Nationals and I am moving one of my three into poly this year and if the bees do well another will follow next year.

PPS...do you keep chooks, by the way?
Welcome to the forum where abouts in northumberland do you live. Durham beekeepers run a basic course designed to get you through your first year it cost a years membership to dbka £20

Regards Andrew
Hi AJuff, welcome to the forum. any questions, then someone will come up with the answer!
Well done! The first decision is the hardest...after that it tends to be purely financial. This forum is great for help and advice so go for it - enjoy it...and read every book you can get your hands on!

I suggest you buy a book called "A Guide to Bees and Honey" by Ted Hooper...it contains everything you need to know about becoming a Beekeeper.

I'm on my third copy as I constantly refer to it and the pages fall out!
someones ripping you off for course at £220. I would prefer to buy a nuc and ask one of your members to help you manage them
hi and welcome northumberlands a big area but this one stared last week and is abit cheaper

Name of association:
Course Title: Introduction to Beekeeping
Tutor(s) Name: Dr Dorian Pritchard and Mr Kyle Miller
Start Date: 9 March 2011
End Date: 21 May 2011
Time: 7.00 – 9 pm
Venue: Kirkley Hall, Agricultural College, Ponteland
Level: Beginner
Cost: ££150
Contact: Ms Alison Gracey
Contact Address:
County: Northumberland
Area: North England
Phone: 01670 – 841229
email: [email protected]
website: www.northumberland.ac.uk
Other info: This course involves ten 2-hour lectures, demonstrations, film and slide shows, plus four 2-hour practicals. It aims to take complete beginners up to the standard of BBKA Basic Grade. Protective clothing will be provided and students will be introduced to the beekeeping association in their home area
Hi and welcome, started last year myself and was the best thing ever done. Didn't attend any courses just went to my local Beekeeping club and read lots of books. I would think you shouldn't need to go on a course to get started if you have the help of some experienced bee keepers.
Hello AJ,

Welcome to the forum.

As posted on another list, really. Although you didn't mention (there) the support of local beekeepers (however many that may be!).

The one thing you must have noted by now is the difference in responses. More real beekeepers over here. More real advice, too.

I would suggest you improve your 'experience rating' by offering/asking to help/observe at any, or all, of your local beeks initially. That would greatly increase you chances of a mentored nuc turning up. A course on beekeeping would be good, also.

BTW, £220 for the course - twice the cost of some hives and half the cost of some, too (the other listing referred to above)!

Although I have been interested in bees from a youthful age, I seriously considered it about ten years before I actually did it. So go for it and don't let anything deflect you.

So as you say, you are ready to start. Is that from absolute 'scratch', or do you know the type/format of hive to start with, suitable PPE, etc?

Regards, RAB
Another book

My bible is Bees at the bottom of the garden which is an easy read, amusing, helpful and an easy reference. Be careful, like keeping any animals books often point out the downfalls which can get depressing! Get the real thing and feel your heart leap every time you see the bees flying. I have been keeping bees for thirty years in various places. I am now high up on the Shropshire Hills and finding nectar sources different from Surrey!!!
We have started a local group up and from two beginners last year we now have ten of us with hives.... The group is not for teaching beekeeping but for helping each other out and that works really well.
Best of luck. By your bees THIS YEAR.
Bad English

That should have read BUY your bees this year!!!!:confused:
The course that Fox 403 mentions, run by Dorian Pritchard , is excellent. I went on it two years ago, but its very heaviliy subscribed these days. The Alnwick and District Beekeepers Association run a weekend course every year for about £75.00. They also run an apiary about ten miles North of Morpeth which is open for instruction every Saturday during the Summer.
PPS...do you keep chooks, by the way?

Yes I keep chooks!

Thank you for all you good advice and suggestions to date. What a knowledgeable group of beekeepers. I looked into the cheaper course that was suggested and it's my late night at work so not suitable.
Do some serious research for a hive, the prices vary a lot, steer clear of the big beekeeping suppliers. If you send me a personal message I can recommend a VERY good supplier who I recently bought from and was blown away by the quality and price (I don't get commission either) ha!

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