Hedgerow petes new you tube channel

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hedgerow pete

Queen Bee
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham, Sandwell. Pork scratching Bandit c
Hive Type
Due a massive problem with you tube i am having to seperate the bee keeping videos to a new user name on you tube instead of " the commando bear 2" try looking under " hedgerow pete" i will of course beadding loads of tags to help people searching across the web to find my videos.

I am in the proccess of re-uploading AGAIN what little of the videos i have left and after a massive row with norton securities, i can comfirm that all the rest have been lost forever(even tho i have them on disks in front of me. i cant get them to unload thier information, dont you just love the filth at norton, family friendly my foot)

as for the missing ones i will return to the bee shed with the camera again to record them
Yes Pete Norton are a pain especially when they take funds out of your account when you've already told them to get lost.We're now on excellent FREE firewall protection downloaded from the Windows site supplied by Microsoft.
I think you will find that most people 'in the trade' wouldn't touch Norton with a barge pole.
Please note that the remarks about Norton above are nothing to do with the forum user Norton.
Thats sad Pete,you had some good video's on Youtube.
A few years ago I purchased a laptop with a Norton trial running,It took me ages to get rid of it to run a different anti virus programme.

I would never use Norton again,I have a feeling you will not either..
Please note that the remarks about Norton above are nothing to do with the forum user Norton.

But there are some operational limitations to our own Norton. He becomes sluggish at an operating temperature below 20'C and does not over winter in harsher 'northern hemisphere' winters at all well.

sorry about that sir, the norton i reffer to is the filth that sell anti virus soft ware to idoits like me when we buy a new computer a couple of years ago. I use to use there soft ware as computer security, waste of time that was!!!!

and i was stupid enough to think that if i used norton security to copy all my back up disks the world would be a safer place, what i am left with is three full disks that my computer can not open/reconise and several other that are numbered and as such are coded again so i cant used them.

and when i reloaded the said norton programe back on to the computer in very limited control i still cant use it to read the disks because it cant find the dvd drive and its own flipping back up disk, wonderfull, just flippin wonderfull.

to everyone else please make sure that your back up disks are safe and secure and readable with what ever programe you use.
i have just redone all my back ups but this time all i have done is transfered the photos and videos one at a time onto a big pile of dvd disks, what a waste of time that programe was
I use Clickfree, (google it) in conjunction with an external hard drive . clickfree means just that :).
First back up takes a little time , later ones pick up changes /additions and are therefore accomplished much quicker !

John W.
But there are some operational limitations to our own Norton. He becomes sluggish at an operating temperature below 20'C and does not over winter in harsher 'northern hemisphere' winters at all well.

Yes you are right - I'm not a cold weather type. I remember well going on exercise with HM's forces and it was so cold that our rations had frozen solid. This was the meat pate, butter etc etc that was supplied in tubes like toothpaste. Only way was to heat it up over the hex stove - we didn't know about dioxins etc then and probably didn't care anyway.

As for Greece - we have the operation around Heraklion in Crete - the main apiary is quite near to the ancient Knossos Palace. You know King Minos and all that. Actually the ancients knew how to pick places with the best climate and this area has an excellent micro-climate. As it's an archaelogical area no building is allowed so we do not have problem with houses around us.
The local shepherd keeps an eye on our bees - he's usually armed with an AK47!!
Best regards
Apologies to Hedgerow Pete, but to balance the rant a little, I use N360 and have done so for years, using it for antivirus, antispam, firewall, backup, startup manager, file cleanup, registry cleanup and probably many other things besides, all running seamlessly in the backgound. All trouble free over years of operation and with a significant number of hacking, phishing, infection, spamming and goodness-knows-what-else intrusions prevented.

Yes, all this comes with a slight performance overhead but for my money, the peace of mind and freedom from system crashes and troublesome rebuilds is worth it, in consideration of the comprehensive protection. No such thing as a free lunch, as they say.

Pete, there is probably a way of unravelling the compressed backup of yours. I personally choose to back up the raw files in uncompressed form, for easy archive and access, on a huge stand-alone drive (I would never back up my files on a web server).

Anyway, I note that Rosti has pm'ed you, hopefully with details of an answer to your backup problem. Good luck.

Perhaps you could post a video about the problems with Norton:biggrinjester:
For anti virus I use the excellent AVG.

I binned norton over then years ago as a resource hungry monster of dubious abilities.

HP? You need a decent cracker, and no doubt someone on here will pm you with some assistance.


Get a Mac , problem solved.

We use AVG at work ,its good.
I agree
AVG is very good and free :)
used avast as well but not for a few yrs now.
I can't see why you can not access the data i used to use recovery tool for floppys and hard drive but it's been along time since i played about with that stuff.
I use Norton and have done for years. About three (?) years ago it was redesigned and is much less resource hungry and easier to use.

I've never had a virus in 10 years nor been hacked.. And I back up everything locally using Norton Ghost.

Yes I may lose a few cycles in extra work but I've clocked my cpu to compensate...and then some..

I run three screens and about 5 real time applications all day and it's 100% stable .
i use avg as my protection but i think i will have to invest in one of those seperate tower thingys so i can back up to a seperate sealed unit. and norton i went to were you are in the late 80's and is was so beautiful then i dont know what its like now tho,

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