Quis Custodiet
Field Bee
Utter balderdash. You were corrected on this point six months ago: https://www.beekeepingforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=581098&highlight=nihbs#post581098
It is increasingly apparent that you are one of the few people I have ever encountered who orchestrates a campaign of "hate".
First and foremost I do not hate any one and to claim that I do is totally untrue. I am however repelled by the individuals with hidden agendas and / or commercial ambitions, who to achieve those ends deliberately mislead the gullible and the uninformed (i.e. beginners and novice beekeepers). Black phenotype bees, which are very often Buckfast F2 or F3, especially in the Munster region, are sold as native bees by "reputable" breeders! The native AMM bee will barely fill a national broodbox or a brood box of a CDB hive. In fact the "vernacular" hives used in AMM areas in western Europe are about the same size too. Those who have double brood boxes, box and a half, commercials, ten supers etc, cannot possibly have native bees.
Hive burnings, threats of violence against people and property, police being called for assistance, are all facts of life unfortunately. There is plenty of room on the Island of Ireland for everyone and beekeepers were able to live in peace until some people got others to preach hate for them. PAX.