Cordovan bees have not black color in they body. I do not know has it any other difference to normal Italian.
Italian are so many. If I bye queen from north Finland, they srely survive over winter. If I bye them from Italy, part of them make brood over winter and will die.
Last time I bought queens from Italy, some of daughters tend to make brood as far as they have pollen. It take time to get rid off that characteristic.
I think that they are only available in the USA. Imports of bees and queens from the continental USA are forbidden for several good reasons.
HAH, that is impossible to say. I have bought much queens from different frofessional breeders and queen are very different.
You have small country and much hives. What I have seen you bee pictures, bees are very mixed race. Who knows what they are. Folks like to continue with swarm queens and suoerceding queens. That is not breeding.
You national hives demand stock which is not good to lay. But I suppose that they are mixed and they are what ever.
To have good queens need continuous every year selective breeding. Who is happy to do that?
In my country during 20 years beekeepers number has dropped 60% but number of hives has increased. Yields are bigger than before.
We have Italian and Carnionan bees. Some say buckfast but I do not know.
Queen importing from south is continuous. I think that geneflow is good.