Glorious day - indoors for most of it !

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Hello my one reader.

Well I spent 3 hours there and back in the Landy (which is running very well since it had its first proper service in, ahem, years) with my two boys and spent a fun afternoon at Taunton Beekeepers's Annually Auction at Ruishton nr Taunton.

The boys had a fun afternoon running amok in the playground next to the village hall - only sneaking back now and then for a free biscuit from the servers while I perused the 196 lots which were well organised and in lately good condition.

I always attend these with an open mind and enjoy rummaging to find surprises at the bottom of 'assorted lots'

As I'd purposely left the trailer at home, I was limited on what I could buy - but came away with a compete national hive and super and frames for £20, 8 other supers and frames for £5 each and another 100 cleaned super frames for about £25

A pair of nucs for £20 and 2 poly supers jammed with frames for £15 made me happy but my star purchase was a Kochstar boiler in hardly used condition (for wax rendering etc) RRP £220 for a steal at £50

I lost out on 3 travelling boxes which went for £40, 2 large boxes of Manley super frames no. 100 for £27 and 6 supers with frames and foundation which went for £10 each

I wasn't too disappointed as I would have had to strap one of my boys to the roof if I'd bought anything else !!!

2 x Thornes electric extractors with straining tanks below had reserves of £500 failed to sell but someone got a steal with a fine stainless settling tank and strainer for £40. The first 8 lots of pairs of supers for £8 failed to sell but some complete nationals went for £60 !

I also bought 50 sheets of extra thin foundation for OSR ( melting this year) from David Pearce Bee Supplies and I was a happy chap.

Fitted foundation to 50 frames this evening and only 9 supers to go.

I now need to dig out all my old wax and get the boiler going !

Happy days - we all commented on what a fantastic day it was weather-wise and we were stuck indoors. I was heartened by the SBI (Simon) who said he'd yet to open his 60 hives. Plenty of time. I hope !
