I only once made the mistake of leaving brood frames unprotected in a Paynes poly nuc over winter - come spring the mess was unbelievable - not only were the frames and comb totally destroyed the grubs were burrowed into the polystyrene - some holes so deep they were through to the outside. Throw away job ... costly mistake. I salvaged the roof and the polycarbonate crown board the rest was skip fodder. Disgusting state - I hate the fat greater wax moth grubs although I understand that fried wax moth grub is a delicacy - tastes like chicken !
We have both greater and lesser wax moth down here - I treat stored brood frames with Dipel (have done now for three winters I think) and I've not had a problem - prior to that I used Certan which also worked. The Dipel I'm using (by all accounts) is now out of date - it says it has a three year shelf life if stored away from extreme temperatures, in the original container and devoid of moisture. On the basis that I eat Yoghurts that are sometimes weeks out of date (we always get left with blackcurrant ones that nobody will eat apart from me !) I'm going to continue using it but keep an eye on my stored brood frames.
I store my supers wet and I've never had a problem in any supers with wax moth - even though some of them will undoubtedly had brood in them.