Gas Vape

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Thanks, much obliged JBM .... also for the advice re Re-queening and getting new Q in soonest rather than going through the throes of awaiting 'hopelessness' ... Very helpful.
I use Gasvape, and such an improvement on previous practices. BUT please protect yourself. Good mask.
Have to say, I have never lost bees during this exercise, and now have very low varroa drop. Come on BBKA, catch up.
A spoon is approx. 1.6g loose fill so one will be ok with two, allowing for some vape escaping and maybe a bit of spillage.
A spoon is approx. 1.6g loose fill so one will be ok with two, allowing for some vape escaping and maybe a bit of spillage.

the 2nd cap is always a fiddle with the big heat gloves on know what you mean for spillage

I should dig out some more caps ... guess they are only end caps from the plumbers merchants ....
When using Gas Vape is it necessary to seal off all hive openings as when using Varrox Vaporiser?
I don’t close off entrance .( underfloor entrance . ).
the vapour never escapes .
I have a well sheltered apiary and choose a calm day .