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Queen Bee
Nov 8, 2009
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South London
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A friend in the US will be visiting soon. Apart from legalities, is there any good reason why I shouldn't ask her to bring me some of the above....in case I need a Nosema treatment?

I specifically underlined "apart from legalities" !

What I had in mind were unintended consequences


besides which, i could always claim the honey came from a hived swarm...bingo!

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A friend in the US will be visiting soon. Apart from legalities, is there any good reason why I shouldn't ask her to bring me some of the above....in case I need a Nosema treatment?

It doesn't work particularly well. (And it doesn't store for ever.)
Treat instead by box & comb change and feed (syrup with emulsified Thymol). And then consider requeening.
Fumigate the box with Acetic Acid. Me, I'd dump the frames.

I can't separate the legalities from the reasons for the legalities.
By which I mean, how about driving through a town centre at 100 mph? What's wrong with that, apart from being against the law?
The reason for this 'legality' is that its bad for everyone else for you to go chucking antibiotics into the environment.

Can't you ask your fiend to bring you in a couple of keys of something better? I mean, if legality isn't a problem, make the most of it!
thank you itma

glad you're not my GP as it's an antimicrobial which is a whole world away from an antibiotic!
Previously UK beekeepers had been using Fumidil B which was the only medicine authorised in the UK for the treatment of Nosema. However this product has now been withdrawn from the market. Directive 2001/82/EC (the “Veterinary Medicines Directive”), only permits food producing animals to be treated with medicines whose pharmacologically active substances are listed in the Table of Allowed Substances in Commission Regulation EU No 37/2010. Fumagillin, the active ingredient in Fumidil-B, does not have a Maximum Residues Limit (MRL) status and is not included in the Table of Allowed Substances. Therefore the UK had no alternative but to act on CEVA’s (the manufacturer) request to expire the marketing authorisation for Fumidil B on 30 December 2011 as continuing to allow this medicine to be on the market would have been contrary to EU law.
Other EU countries where this product used to be authorised took action some years earlier to remove it from their markets because of the absence of an MRL and hence concerns regarding consumer safety.
where did it say antibiotic?

continuing to allow this medicine to be on the market would have been contrary to EU law.

....it certainly wasn't withdrawn at the request of any UK authority e.g. fera/nbu
neither was 'Bordeaux mixture' and a host of other traditional gardener's remedies
I believe that, apart from concerns about residues, there were concerns that it supressed rather than cured nosema, and could therefore leave it present and contagious, but masked.

im fairly sure that I read somewhere that thymol is much more effective at curing nosema
im fairly sure that I read somewhere that thymol is much more effective at curing nosema

it is - read the paper written by the universities of Eig and Thrace (there's others too) but there does seem to be a tendency on here now to turn backs on fairly natural treatments like thymol (for both nosema and varroa) and an obsession with chucking pyrethroids and goodness knows what else on the bees.
"Talking to the royal veterinary College entomologist about his paper on Apis Ceranaea at the RVC open farm Day on Sunday ( Friends manage bees on the RVC site) his view was Vita feed gold was best but fumidil B was much better (vet prescribe under VMD rules from USA"

from Tom Bick's thread.....

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