Full of stores frame weights?

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Drone Bee
Sep 6, 2015
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Hi there,

Interested in estimating stores level, other than actually weighing or hefting.

I have National broods at 2.3kg or 5 lbs total so far

I am interested in the weights of National super and Commercial brood frames if anyone knows please?

Thanks knowledgable ones.
Just seen the super weights as 1.4kg or 3 pounds.

Just commercial brood if anyone knows it please
Thanks. Found that one. I'm after Brood.
remember super frame weights depend on the spacing (and does vary depending on the flow) 3lb is for a ten frame spaced super on an exceptional year (such as 2014) this year its between 2 and 2.5 lb
By definition, they are not 'brood' frames if they are full of honey. Likewise they are not stores frames if filled with brood!

C'mon, if you know the dimensions, you can extraplate or interpolate for effective area of frame.

Capacity will also depend on frame separation, of course. What are yours?

Weigh or heft. Simple. Who is going into the hive in the middle of winter to count frames and part-frames of stores? Beekeeping is easy, but only if you apply the KISS principle.

Overwitering requires a full box. National or commercial. No shallows required, but can be added if thought a good idea - but must still be full if left on. Can't be much simpler than that, shirley?

Autumn feed is simple, too. Feed until they take no more. Nothing overly scientific in any of that.
commercial brood frames will nearly all be spaced as per the hofman shoulders on the frame sides and will be 11 frames per brood box and can weigh between 6.5 to 7.5 lbs when full
commercial brood frames will nearly all be spaced as per the hofman shoulders on the frame sides and will be 11 frames per brood box and can weigh between 6.5 to 7.5 lbs when full

Thanks for the info. Appreciate it.

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