A question of orientation?
Depends upon the orientation of the sun to the hive when the sun is at its highest in the sky (Zenith?) and the orientation of the hive entrance to this, and if the frames have been fitted the warm or cold way. The zeneth is not at 12 noon GMT (UTC?? for those who do not like GMT)..except on mid summers day, and then the time is irrellivent as the latitude and longditude of your location also have to be factored in!
Also local anomalies as to the magnetic variation and ley lines, minor and major aquafers, wind direction and even the beekeepers natural aura need to be taken into consideration.
All this is very well for AMM bees that have evolved with the local environmental conditions, but for bees that have been brought into the country from Hawaii, New Zealand and even Austria and Greece,I would have no idea... but probably orientation may have a genetic memory!
This was a top topic of conversation in my Grandfathers day, when most beekeepers were still using skeps and fought shy of modern contraptions like National hives and their ilk that used un~natural foundation in fixed frames, just to make it easy for the beekeeper to exploit the humble honey bee for its golden stores!
From my own very limited experience of beekeeping, when I have foolishly left a space at the end of the brood box, or put in a topbar with frame but no foundation.... hive and frame orientation seem to be a major factor!
I would purchase some foundation as this is what frames were designed for.. or build a Top Bar hive from an old oil drum / empty beer cask or whatever the fad is for these days!