Frames of eggs

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mark s

Field Bee
Jun 9, 2009
Reaction score
Isle Of Wight
Hive Type
Number of Hives
16 + 3nuc's
Hi all
I need to transport a couple of frames eggs from my strong hives too two of my swarms as both queens seem to have failed too come back, its been nearly 3and a half weeks now and several checks have not turned up a queen ir eggs, what would be the best eay to transpot them? Simply put in a poly nuc ?
It sounds as though you are talking about cast swarms?
If a cast swarm then I would start to worry after four weeks.
A test frame will do no harm other than remove brood from the donor hive and I have in the past transported frames lightly wrapped in an ever so damp warm towel but your poly nuc should be fine for what I assume will be a short journey.
As Tom, be a little patient, the queens from casts need a while to get going, the first patch of eggs is difficult to find when you don't even know which frame they might be on! But.... A frame of eggs won't do any harm if you have other strong colonies so no problem in a polynuc.
I did a split with a newly hatch queen back on 17th may, all looked bad so on 7th june I added a test frame, on checking on 14th, we had eggs and brood on different frames, proving we need to give them time, and not expect things to happen yesterday
I always find I expect eggs a week before they appear despite thinking I do my calculations correctly! I agree patience is a virtue, or do my method of worrying for a week or so about how to correct the potential queenless hive then get elation when eggs appear!
It's not beekeeping unless you to and fro between despair and joy!
As with Fatbee and Ratcatcher - just experienced the same thing and was just in the process of getting a new queen when she burst into life and layed up three frames in a few days, this after about 3 1/2 weeks
Ok thanks all
iIll leave till my next inspection on sat and decide then, ive got very strong hives that will donate some frames so no problem there
I've found in the past that when you think your hive is Q- waiting for a newly mated Q to start laying and add a frame of eggs it can sometimes spur them on to start laying.

Personally I don't bother now and leave them alone until either the Q comes into lay or it really is too long.
I was impatient thinking I had a Q- hive as the past 4 weeks nothing and very grouchy bees. Ordered a queen and went to put her in... guess what I found? and few eggs - first thought were my eyes playing tricks, then walked across a queen. Made a small split for the new queen while swearing for wasting my money

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