Frames for cut out

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Queen Bee
Feb 18, 2010
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As this sunday i am attempting a cut out of bees how many frames do you
think i would need ? I am using Dadant frames .

The box for the hover to fit into i am going to make tomorrow . Any ideas on size please.
I was wondering if thats what he ment lol
Thanks i will go with 20 and a couple of boxes and hopefully come back a happy chappy :)
Yes bands are on the list .how about box size .
commercial bb for the vac .
and a couple of bin liners for the honey comb:drool5:
Ahh nearly forgot about all that set Rape that will be in there.
please assist, what is 'a cut out of bees'? is it a technical term for something? I've never heard it used before.

And what is a 'hover' please?

A hover is well umm a hover, but used with a box inline with mesh in the box so as not to suck the bees up into the Hover.
A cut out is when you cut a colony bees out of a tree or in my case ,someone house under the floor boards.
A hover is well umm a hover, but used with a box inline with mesh in the box so as not to suck the bees up into the Hover.
A cut out is when you cut a colony bees out of a tree or in my case ,someone house under the floor boards.
/teacher mode on/

You do mean hoover?

/teacher mode off/
cuoldnt bee bothred with spell cheker buut u write it iz hoover :D
A stanadard vacum cleaner (hoover is to powerful, the bees will ....
1. suffocate
2. be damaged when they hit the side

unless you have a plan?
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A stanadard vacum cleaner (hoover is to powerful, the bees will ....
1. suffocate
2. be damaged when they hit the side

You dont actually use a hoover to suck the bees up. You use a bee vac along side a hoover, the suction is vastly reduced and they do not get damaged as it is a smooth bore pipe.
Yes I have my own design that was put to good use today doing this.....

I was just concerned that people will be out with the triple cyclone turbo hoover:cheers2:
ah, now I understand - you are attempting to remove a colony from somewhere that isn't easily accessible so you are going to try to use a vacuum pump to extract bees before then cutting out the wild comb!